Digital Camera


Oct 17, 2003
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I'm getting one (digital camera) for Christmas. I'm a gamer and photographer but not really a tech person. I assume that many of you here have knowledge in this area. So I humbly ask you oh great and knowledgable ones "What's a good didgital camera for around $250?".
Im not really sure there could be any digital camera thats "good" for that much. You can usually get around 2 Megapixels for that much and thats just crap.

If quality isnt really a big deal, I'd suggest the Nikon CoolPix 2100. Thats only 200$. The CoolPix 3100 is around 300$ and thats 3.2 Megapixels.

I get amazing pictures with my Nikon CoolPix 5700. But I dont think you'd like to shell out the 800 + bucks for it.

It picks up amazing detail that unfortionatly dont come out as well when I try resizing pictures to upload them on

But here's a good example.

The blockyness is from me having to dumb it down so it fits.

[edit] I cropped that picture a ton, and resized it. My pics automaticly come out at 35 x 26 inches[/edit]
You could pick up a decent digital camera for 300$ though.
3-3.2 megapixel and 3x optical zoom
Some have better lenses than others.
I have a 2 megapixal Kodak crap camera. Don't go there.
2 MP or Kodak lol
Olympus has great lenses and optical zoom usually.
Canon has some small cameras that could fit in your pocket very well with good quality pictures. Plus they plug directly into Canon printers with USB. I think canon is the only one that does that. Most of the other pinters use memory card readers built-in.
Casio has those super small cameras. One of those models is near 300.
I've noticed a few ppl like HP cameras but I don't know why.
Sony has a good picture and good track record for repairs etc.

Might be worth your while to pickup an instore replacement warranty for 30$ if they offer it. Drop it, cracked LCD or bad battery. Usually they are very good at grabing you a new one off the shelf with those.
I'd go with the Canon A60 or A70. they are comparable to the Nikon Coolpix series, but they quality of the lens, CCD, and color are all vastly superior. The A60 is about 170, and the A70 is about 240

google "Canon A60 Review" and you'll find huge lists of reviews

some sites like dpreview and imaging resource are great.
Go here
Set price to <$400 and choose more specifics, liek compact, SUB, zoom amount...wht are you looking for. It will only show ten results. (The last question in the search criteria is whether the camera is current or discontinued. Older discontinued models may be cheapre.

There are multiple cameras in the under $250 range and most reviewed are 3 mp.

The site does amazing, detailed reviews. Covers stuff you never would have thought of, like how grainy the image becomes under lower light conditions, color accuracy, etc.

I changed my mind on my choic e after reading the review. I eventually bought a Sony DSC V-1 and am totally happy.
Yeah I've heard good things about the Canon A's as well.

I have a 2 MP Nikon 2500. I think it's great; doesn't have an optical view-finder tough, but that doesn't bother me.

I heard bad things about Nikon 2100, something about short circuits I think. They've probably fixed that by now, but better safe than sorry.