Digital Camera


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I am wondering if anyone here has any recommendations for a digital camera. I am going to be moving out of my house to an apartment while I go to school. I am going to leave my fujifilm 3000 for my brother to have, so I am looking for another (preferably better) camera. What I didnt like about my camera is that the indoor pictures suck ass. You have to have rock steady hands, or you get blurry pictures, no matter what settings you put it on. Also, I want a 8+ optical zoom.

Since I only have a budget of $200 or less...I was looking at the Konica Minolta Z series. They have really nice features, and on ebay I can get it for cheap. 12X optical zoom, Image Stabilzation and ranging from 3-5 megapixels. The 3 megapixels resolution is fine for me though. The only reason I hesitate, is that I have come across MANY customer reviews that say they have had mechanical problems with their cameras, and bad service from Konica Minolta. And I also notice A LOT of refurbished minolta cameras on ebay. That worries me.

So now I am really hooked on that image stabilization deal, since I hate using tripods. The only other camera I found with it though, is the Panasonic Lumix. But that one gets expensive.

So what would you fine folks recommend?
I'm partial to Nikons or Canons. I currently have a Canon Powershot S2-IS, which is essentially what you described above (image stablization, 12x optical zoom), but costs a bit more. Might be in your price range now though.