Dino-Instinct is a Counterstrike inspired mod using teams of dinosaurs instead of humans. Each dinosaur will have specific skills, varying levels of Speed, Strength, and Range. Obviously, most attacks with be of the melee variety seeing as dinosaurs can't use guns. However, certain dinos will be able to spit acid (ala Jurassic Park), which will have the same effect as a flash bang in Counterstrike (blinds player for a certain amount of time). In addition, dinosaurs with long or armored tails will be able to power their tails up (kind of like the sniper rifle in Team Fortress) for a slow, but lethal attack. [br]</br>In addition, several game types are planned. Currently, there are three concepts planned: Eat the other dinosaurs food (using a dead dinosaur as food) against a team of dinosaurs protecting their food (the dead dino the other team is trying to get), Free for all (dm style), and Capture the Food (CTF style, both teams go after the others food. I assume this means using an Offense and Defense for both teams). [br]</br>They have released a ton of new map screenshots to show just how far along they are.[br][br]To visit this mods website, click here.