Direct X 9.0b


May 29, 2003
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This is getting annoying. As of recent I formatted. And since then, Direct X has been acting very very wiered. For instance, if I install Dirext x 9.0b (on 8.1 atm) the Windows Start Menu acts like a sloth, Halo runs in slow motion with 60fps constant (used to be perfect before format). And Unreal 2 won't even start. Half - Life even acts like a sloth too - even tho I'm get 100fps.

Direct X 9.0b just knacks everything up. Whats the bloody beef here? (I've reverted back to 8.1 via system restore if you're wondering)

Any ideas or solutions would be very much appreciated.
Dux said:
This is getting annoying. As of recent I formatted. And since then, Direct X has been acting very very wiered. For instance, if I install Dirext x 9.0b (on 8.1 atm) the Windows Start Menu acts like a sloth, Halo runs in slow motion with 60fps constant (used to be perfect before format). And Unreal 2 won't even start. Half - Life even acts like a sloth too - even tho I'm get 100fps.

Direct X 9.0b just knacks everything up. Whats the bloody beef here? (I've reverted back to 8.1 via system restore if you're wondering)

Any ideas or solutions would be very much appreciated.
upgrade your other drivers?

What specs you got, someone might be able to answer then
Fenric said:
upgrade your other drivers?

What specs you got, someone might be able to answer then

The Drivers I'm using now, are the Drivers I was using at the time Directx 9.0b was running perfectly before I formatted. I'll have to go have a gander for any updates.

As for my Specs their:

AMD XP 2ghz
512mb ddr
GeForce 4 Ti 4800se
80gb hdd on FAT32
Windows XP Home Edition
That kind of happened to not sure if it was direct x 9.0b or not but whenever i play hl in d3d mode i can get 60 to 100 fps no prob but whenever i shoot the animation is late(or sound), or whenever i move the mouse it may wait 1 or 2 seconds before my gun actually moves. Is this what happenes at all to u? Then it might be based on Direct X 9.0b
For Quake 3 sometimes if i move the mouse it will take a while...or sometimes the mouse will freeze in 1 spot and wont move...The keyboard wont get affected though....

I have a Amd athlon 2400+ (2 ghz)
256 megs of memory
Geforce 4 Mx 420 pci (I have another one and same thing happens on it)
Windows Xp Home Edition.
Sort of, but not quite. Mine was/is just constantly slow motion. Heh, just like a matrix special fx scene really. Got me drivers updated, and that seems to have fixed the wndows menu being slow and Unreal 2 not loading . But the problem with Halo remains. Out of ideas for whats causing that.