direct x, anzio, and call of duty 2, PLEASE HELP


Feb 12, 2005
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hi, i tried installing the call of duty 2 demo the other, day, but it said there was some sort of problem with driectx. i have the latest version 9.0c, so i tried installing it again, didn't help the problem, couldn't play cod2. upon trying to reinstall it, i think i may have messed something up, because occasionally dod:source will freeze up (mostly on anzio, but any map is fair game) after this freeze up, non of my other games will play as well, something do do with directx i'm pretty sure. any ideas on what to do? how can i completely purge directx of my computer and install it again if that will help? thanks
If you have Nvidia install the latest drivers. They add Dx 9.0c and Open Gl 2.0 support.
i have an ati radeon 9600
and i just discovered this error happens after quitting dod:s normally. i won't be able to play any games. there is some error stopping my screen from changing resolution
Hmmm... Maybe you could try reinstalling your drivers; maybe you screwed up during install last time...
First download the newest drivers
Then uninstall the current drivers installed
Install drivers you just downloaded.
it just gave me this error:
Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9:: ()

after this occured i went to run >dxdiag and tested direct 3d uner displays, and failed all 3 tests

i have no idea what to do
It gave you that error while trying to reinstall the drivers?
no, it gave me that error after managing to get back to my desktop after it locked up during anzio, which seems to be the only map it does it on now. i think i need to reinstall directx or completely uninstall it and then install it again, but i don't know how to do this