DirecTV question


Jun 20, 2004
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My family quit the service about 2 months ago. We have saved at least $60 because of this. There is just nothing on and we were getting sick of paying for SpikeTV. ;) I'm sorely missing my Discovery Channel and my History Channel. I just want those stations though. Is there a way of only receiving those channels for like $5 a month or something? I don't want a package just those 2 channels.
I doubt it. My parents just had their DirecTV receivers repoed.:E They are about $160 in the hole and three months late on a bill they owe so they canceled the service about two months ago, and now DirecTV just threw a brick through the window with a letter attached demanding they want their receivers back or we'll have to pay an additional $460 for EACH receiver and we had THREE of them! :P We shipped them back through FedEx the other day. None of us watches TV anymore anyways. Nothing but crap, propaganda, and more crap anymore.:P If there was a per-channel service we'd have know about it by now since we all like the Science and TLC channels at the very least.
I have basic cable +internet deal and it has the discovery channel. No history channel though.
Have you looked into various TV tuner cards (PCI) you can get or USB Tv tuners you can buy in the US? I recently bought one for my Mrs to receive all freeview channels we get in the UK. I'm assuming you might be able to pick something similar up over there and if you're lucky the Discovery / History channels might be available.
5MB broadband + phone service + digital cable for $120 a month, ftw. Package deals are a huge money saver.
Package deals usually suck. I hate how they have one or two channels i'm interested in, and the rest are like... shit.

Companies really need to allow people to truly pick and choose their own package, rather than bundling stuff that contains 90% filler crap.
In my location I can only get ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and PBC over the air. Digital or analog. I can only get Discovery because the cable company is sending it as an unencrypted digital channel (Clear QAM). Although I'm sure other locations have other local channels (CW?).

Quite odd but I'm still getting the discount on my monthly bills from when I signed up...5 years ago. Basic cable (minus basic cable price) + internet (minus $5 for bundle).