DirectX 10?


May 28, 2004
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I've heard some mentions of dx10 and the next generation cards, and pixel shader 3.0. When is this coming out, I know the geforce 6800 will support it. But how much of a difference in graphics are we talking about, I really need an upgrade in graphics (sig) and I hope I don't go buy a 9700 or 9800 pro and then have a card that doesn't look good running newer games. I don't have much to spend, so I can't get an X800, I just don't want to make another mistake (I wasted $130 on a Geforce FX 5200 PCI).
DirectX 10 (or DirectX Next) is coming out along with Windows Longhorn, as far as I know, which may be late 2005 or 2006, or maybe later (it keeps getting delayed). Shader Model 3.0 is defined in DX 9.0, and will be unlocked in DX 9.0c. Is this what you mean?

Well, the difference between what your current card supports (PS 2.0 and VS 2.0) versus SM 3.0 is (and probably will be here) debatable, and beyond that there are very few programs that use PS/VS 2.0, much less 3.0.

Anyway, the Radeon 9800 Pro supports the same PS/VS revisions as your current card, it's just a lot faster and thus can reasonably run with higher IQ. The Radeon X series supports the same revisions as well. Only the GeForce6 series supports SM 3.0 support so far, and they're nowhere to be seen.

For you, these revisions probably won't mean a whole lot. What you need is just a card that's fast, so you can get over the trauma of owning an FX 5200 PCI. It's hard to recommend one without knowing more about your budget and system specs, but the Radeon 9600 Pro or 9800 Pro are good bets, or maybe even the cheaper 6800 (whatever it's called...?) if they ever show up on the shelves. Don't bother upgrading to anything else in the GeForce FX series.
Here you go bud...


Thats as official as any other news out there, so give it a read. Lata.
Thanx I thought it was coming out with Longhorn, and I'm either getting a 9700 pro refurb or 9800 pro. Worst case is I would get a 9600xt, not bad.