disabling downloads(mainly lame sound files)?

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
I've set my cl_allowdownloads = 0

but apparently it's buggy because HL:DM and CS:S still downloads soundfiles and I recently found out that they download custom maps aswell...I don't normally try and get into servers with custom maps so I just thought that the problem was with soundfiles only...but apparently the command doesn't work at all...

so do I need to set some other command to prevent downloading?

also when I type in just cl_allowdownload to check the status...the status report shows up in red text, so I'm wondering if this is normal or if it's because there's some error with that command?

plz help I'm tired of waiting to download german sausage language or some other crap for nearly every server I go into...:x
Sorry, that's impossible because it's the server that regulates the downloads, and if you don't want the sounds, you can't play on the server. :(
It's really a shame too, I've always tried to avoid downloading the useless wav files but sadly we have to deal with sound/misc folders filled with 800 different three second clips of the word 'headshot' and miscellaneous homer simpson quotes.
its one of the reasons its so hard to find a good cs server
first you gotta sort by ping and size and map and when finally you think you may have one you are forced to download a ton of sound files that you dled already from another server the day before

the only solution is to add the ones that dont **** with you to your favourites
put cl_allowdownloads 0 into your CONFIG file!! then that variable will always present when you launch the game