disabling integrated graphics!?!?!?!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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ok, i recently aquired a new graphics card for my new new pc, so i decided to give my old card to my friend who is stuck with a crap integrated graphics card.
it also has an AGP X 4 slot, the graphics card i have ever so generously donated is a Geforce 4 MX 440 AGP.
so i plugged the card into the AGP slot and everything is fine, downloaded the nvidia drivers ready to install once the computer is up and running. the problem is: I CANT DISABLE THE OLD GRAPHICS CHIP AND ENABLE THE NEW ONE!!!!

seriously! ive looked through all the BIOS settings and theres nothing i can see to change the primary graphics. note that ive already done this before with my PC which had integrated graphics and a PCI express slot.
what should i look for, it doesnt say anything about integrated graphics in the BIOS like my pc did

edit: oh yeah he lost the mobo manual
You're saying that when you plug the monitor into the vid card, there's no signal?
the old chip still works, i need to disable it so i can use the new one. the BIOS is really awkward so i have no idea how
update teh BIOS, see if it gives you new options
Also try to use device manager to uninstall old graphics drivers. Or disable device
Install nVidia drivers.
Test card.
good idea, hmm how can i find out what manufacturer the mobo is without the documentation?
My motherboard enables the vid card's connection automatically. I didn't have to disable any onboard video to make it work. I just haven't seen you directly say that the new one didn't work yet, so I might be talking stupid. But if they both work, then so what?
MuToiD_MaN said:
My motherboard enables the vid card's connection automatically. I didn't have to disable any onboard video to make it work. I just haven't seen you directly say that the new one didn't work yet, so I might be talking stupid. But if they both work, then so what?

not all mobos are automatic i think only pci-e boards with intigrated are automatic
Look for something in the bios about AGP. Are you sure there was nothing?
Have a look on the mobo for a jumper setting (little plastic cap that will short 2 of 3 pins) that controls the onboard video. You may have to look in the instruction manual for it. Other than that, I would update the bios for any new features that available with the update.