Disappearing Entities


Jul 23, 2003
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Once again I got a problem with Hammer(Silly me). This time the problem is about DISAPPEARING ENTITIES. I see them in the 3D window when creating the map, but when I run the map, they're gone. There wasn't such problem when I first started on the map. So I BEG you, please help me.

PS, when I start the map I get a little message. It says something about node and graphic bla bla.
perform a search on the forum by using the button on top with the word node. there are several threads that discuss this topic.
Well, I've searched the forum and didn't find anything regardig this problem...
Thanks for that node thingy :)

But that pesky prop/entity problem is still there... I've searched the internett and found different solutions, but the problem still remains. It is so GOD DAMN ANNOYING. Someone please help me, I bet I'm not the only one with this problem.
I had this problem when I switched the entity class cuz their properties got messed up. I suggest you to look at Start fade distance = -1, End fade dist = 0. Also, to get rid of the problem, when you make your entity, select the right type bfore pressing ENTER instead of changing it after it is created. Hope this helps.
some models can only be used as prop_static or prop_physic so make sure you change them to the right type. Also try prop_override.