Discoloured Video Problem


Sep 18, 2004
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I've had a video problem with my comp for some time and it's really starting to piss me off. When I watch a video off the internet or any kind of media for that matter, the whole thing is discoloured and often pixelated. I have downloaded the newest video card drivers and it still hasn't fixed the problem. The funny thing is when I run any video games the colours are fine. My video card is a GeForce FX 5200. If I need to post any other specs plz ask.
If you've got winamp, try going to prefferences -> video -> and uncheck/check "Allow hardware video overlay"
I think Minerel means these overlay settings. Happens on one of the new set of Nvidia drivers.
Never had that problem but try defaulting them? I'm not sure how to go about doing it, but mess with it a bit I suppose.
I think Minerel means these overlay settings. Happens on one of the new set of Nvidia drivers.
Yes those, I have an ATI card, but yeah those overlay settings.
Mine are:
Brightness: -100(0%)
Contrast: 0(100%)
Saturation: 0(100%)
Gamma: 1.0
Glirk Dient said:
You could also get older drivers...

Tried that already and it didn't work. I haven't messed around with the settings either as far as I know. Maybe my little bro was fiddling around or something though.
Edit: I managed to get it working fine someone must've screwed around with the settings. Thanks for the help!
If it's for video files it probably is not GFX card drivers but the player settings or video codecs that are installed.