Discovery to launch tonight

They plan to deliver a cargo pod packed with packed with about 15,200 pounds (6,894 kg) of new science equipment, fresh supplies and a treadmill named after comedian Stephen Colbert.

Colbert tried to have NASA name a new room for the space station after him by urging fans to write his name in during an online poll by the space agency earlier this year. NASA, ultimately chose the name "Tranquility" - after the Apollo 11 moon landing site - for the room, but offered Colbert the treadmill as a consolation prize.

Haha, awesome.
There going to be a live video of it or somethin'?
cnn has the live link right now but it may be regional only
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (CNN) -- The Space Shuttle Discovery launch was scrubbed early Tuesday because of bad weather, NASA said.


its canceled because of bad weather till Wed 1 am :(
i have always wanted to lay down on my back while the shuttle is taking off in the background so it looks like it's my penis flying away.

just a bump for tonight, remember it should be around 1:10 am ET time Wed morning
12:10 CST eh...?

Might try to see if I can watch it live online or something.
If by "better" you mean "less awesome" I guess you're right.
Your avatar is like so old and doesn't fit your name.
That's how I like it, outdated and tacky.
oh man, i'd rather see a safe launch than a rushed one.

NASA mission managers are expected to be meeting now to discuss Discovery’s drain valve glitch and whether it can be fixed in time to try another launch within the current launch window, which closes Aug. 39
It's cool, they have 14 days still
:( oww I want to see it in 3 hours. Though I spouse it's better that they fix the fuel tanks first. :D
I might climb on my roof and film this.

Most likely not.
I saw a real launch on the coast when I was down in Florida for a vacation. I had no idea it was coming. Heard a loud boom, looked down the coast and saw the shuttle take off. Watching it go up and out of sight was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever witnessed.
mm, probably would lose something in the filming of it unless you had some kind of magical telescope camcorder.
Magic has no place in this thread!
Weather permitting, launch is scheduled for 11:59:37 p.m. EDT (0359:37 GMT, 29 August) – near the midpoint of a 10-minute launch window that closes at 12:04:29 a.m. EDT Saturday (0404:37 GMT, 29 August). A final adjustment may be made at the T-9 minute hold to more precisely align with the orbit of the International Space Station.
Just saw it whist standing outside my front door.

Apparently, after finishing this trip, Christer Fuglesang will have performed more spacewalks than any non-American or Russian. As a Swede, I find I'm just a little bit proud.