**Discuss your gaming history- When you started gaming, your first console etc. **


Jan 15, 2004
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I've been gaming ever scince my babysitter brought round his snes when i was five (1994) and we used to play this strange game where you fshoot machines in a 2 player mode... It kinda looked like metroid :/

When i was 7 or 8 I got a mega drive :D man i loved that mega drive. I had Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic and knuckles, Sonic pinball, and loads of other non- sonic games. I liked sonic, as you can tell.

When i was 9 or 10 i got my PS... my first game was ape escape and i loved it. It was so cool! you catch monkeys in a net! IN A NET!!! I had too many PS games to note, but i did have Final fantasy 6, final fantasy 7, final fantasy 8, final fantasy 9 etc.
Then i got the "next gen consoles", in this ordeR:

Ps2, PC, Gamecube, Xbox

But after I bought the gamecube, my ps2 just kinda... died. So i sold all of the games (ALL of them, even the controller) and was about to sell my PS2 when it started working again. I think it just needed a rest. So now the only game i have for my PS2 is san andreas and a demo disc :D

My PC i got last summer, which was before i bought a gamecube. Although it was only bought from dell, at the time that i bought it it completely pwned (i wish HL2 came out then :P ).

Anyway, discuss your gaming history!
My gaming history is long, young friend. But since you asked ....

When I was 4 years old, Pong came out in a console version. This was about 1977, 1978. My father bought it and I got addicted.

Around 1979 the first real arcade machines started appearing. I especially liked Centipede and Zaxxon. And later on the Star Wars game where you really sat in a cockpit.

In 1981 my parents got a Apple IIb computer. My uncle had a computer store specialised in Apple, so I didn't play a lot on PC's a lot during the 80's. Later on I got my own Apple IIc (the portable one, very cool) and games like One on One with Larry Bird and Dr. J (made by EA, that company has been around for ages!).

I did play a bit of Commodore 64. Games like Mission Impossible, the Red Baron, etc. But mostly on friends' computers.

During university (the early nineties) PC's were very expensive so I only played on my roommates' PC's. A lot tho:
- the original Doom
- Spear of Destiny
- Pirates
- Lords of the Realm
- MS Golf
- The Indiana Jones game (the one with the discs)
- Lemmings
- Prince of Persia

After quitting (alas, not finishing) university, finally I got my own PC in 1998. I worked at the local cable company, so I got cable internet really early on. I didn't play a lot during that time, coz I was mainly downloading music, chatting, exploring the internet in general.

At the end of 1999 I got interested in gaming again. I bought all kinds of games from all kinds of genres: Earth 2150 (RTS), Outcast (a third person shooter, RPG and adventure rolled into one), FIFA 1999, Driver, etc. I totally missed out on Half-life (still don't know why).

In 2002 I got a new rig and really got into gaming again. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault started my new addiction to FPS's and American Army got me into online gaming.

Right now I am more an omnivore genre-wise. I spend most of my time on HL2DM- and Battlefield Vietnam servers. I also like RTS's (whether they be on the ground like Soldiers or in space like Homeworld). I spent a lot of time lately with the new Pirates, and since last week I started playing Freelancer again.

Wow, this has gotten quite a big post.
i started with nes i quess: at the end of the 80's. When i was like 5 years old or something. maybe sooner, but too young to remeber that hey :P
I started gaming on my mums first pc she bought to type up her uni work. We (me and my brother) played Blake Stone, a Snake type game and Harry's haunted house of horrors...

Then i played the Megadrive at my child minders and i played that Beast game and the Sonics.

My Mother upgraded to a windows 95 packard bell from Dixons and i played many a game on that, Half-life, Alpha Centauri, Populous, Ceasar 3, CivNET (which came with the pc, i played this the most). One of my friends was into Baldurs gate and we chatted about that but my pc was 33mhz too slow to play it, so i've never played BG1.

I've never been allowed a console machine at home and I dont want one.

Eventually, my mum caved in after years and years and we got a 2.2ghz p4, windows xp and i got into counterstrike, wc3 and baldurs gate 2 but i could not lan with my friends.

So as soon as i turned 18 and recieved £1000 insurance money, it all went on my current pc. 17" tft, AMD Athlon XP 3200+, gig ddr400 ram and 9800 pro... and i love it.

I've got many great games now, and love them all :D
I started gaming on my first pc. a 386 hertz :cool: and played the first version of Wolfenstein 3D on it :cool:
after that we got a 133 mhz and I discovered Grand Prix 1 :rolling:
after playing the 133 till it broke down we got a new PC with 450 mhz (best at that time) and played Diablo II LoD and Earth 2140.
then I got the first pc that could actually deal with "modern" 3D shooters like Medal Of Honor Allied Assault (something I still play) and discovered the wonders of Half-Life and its mods.

Now I got my 1.7ghz with an ATI Radeon 9600XT 256mb and play HL², CSS, MoH:AA, NFSU2 and America's Army :cheers:

Never had a Console and never will have one eithern simply because i don't like console's and their controlers.

and thats about my whole gaming history :thumbs:
I don't really remember much, I think I have a really shitty long-term memory. I have various little memories - such as

- Playing the SNES - STARFOX :D, Super Mario, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong
- I can just about remember having a shitty computer called an "AMSTRAD" or something, all I remember is a blue screen like DOS with yellow text, and games on tape.
- I had a megadrive, only ever played Sonic and Kick-off :P
- My first ever PC Game was Command & Conquer, I just used to watch my brothers play it, but when I first played it myself I just became hooked.

Then now, I got 5 computers networked in my house, an XBOX, Gamecube and a barely working PS2.

Then pretty much other stuff in between, N64, PS1, Dreamcast <--QUALITY BIT OF KIT :D Shame they went bust :(
I started playing Nibbles in DOS.

So, I've been gaming since the beginning basically.
:cheers: I played Doom and Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem, like when I was 7. Got the N64, I hardly gamed. Got the Playstation, gamed too much. Finally got a decent PC, played MOHAA for ages. Then, 3 years later prior from getting decent PC, i've got a pretty top-of-the line with a PS2. I only PC game mainly, and Half Life 2 rocks.
I started playing games when I first went to some friend's house (age 5) and he had the SNES. Then, a few years later, when the N64 came out, a lot of kids had one and my mother thought that I should have one so she bought me an N64 and Banjo Kazooie. I loved that game. Then, I got Turok 2 and also Donkey Kong 64. I started playing first person shooters at the age of 9.
im not sure if this was my first gaming experience but...
i recall going over to my aunt and uncle's home for christmas dinner and they had RENTED an NES with Zelda II i believe
after that, i fooled around with gameboy like most kids
but what really got me into gaming, especially on the PC, was Wolfenstein 3D on our old 486
since then, ive been going strong on almost every platform :)
Oh boy, well, I'm only 13, but I have a small history.

I started gaming when I was 2 I believe. My brothers and I were no gaming buffs, but we loved to play them and had NES, SNES, and Genesis while growing up. We had a load of games, most of which I can't remember, but are in my basement somewhere. The NES barely runs anymore.

I do have a record I'm sure few can match up against. I beat Streets of Rage 2 at age 2. I still love that game. It was just so fun.

I played all the classics you think about when you talk about NES, SNES, and Genesis.

Eventually we got PlayStation when my Grandma won it in some auction at my school. Then we got N64 and were BLOWN AWAY by GoldenEye, our first 64 title. One of the best games ever. You know how kids today have Halo parties, where they sit around on their couch playing Halo co-op/multiplayer? Well we used to invite our friends over, usually 4 at a time, and just play all day. We'd INVENT game modes, where we would have one guy plays as Jaws and put on the highest handicap possible, while the rest of us put our handicaps on the lowest settings. We all fought Jaws, but got obliterated.

One of the best creations we made was the "Mad Bomber" mode. One person would pick up all Proximity mines, and mine himself in a small corridor somewhere, while the other person (only 2 player mode) would try to find the Mad Bomber picking off the mines without dying.

Hours of fun.

Sorry for the rant, but now that I look back, those were the days where all I did was game from 2:30 - 6:00 and then do homework and eat dinner and go back to gaming. That was my life.
ive been playing games for as long as i care to care, mostly cs or ut2004 and a bit of moh, has anyone ever seen me online, i play most online games including runescape and planetside??
when you were two?

anyway, I started gaming (starting with PCs) when I was maybe 3, on our win 3.1 16mhz comp, back in 1992 or 1991. I played games like Reader Rabbit, Math Blaster, stuff like that. Eventually, around 1994 or 1995, I started playing games like Wolfenstein 3d, moving on to Age of Empires and Starcraft in 1997 and 1998. Then, I got an N64 and sort of stopped playing computer games for a while; I was too busy with Goldeneye and the other great games to really play anything on the comp. In 2001 I got a PS2, was very into it and the final fantasy (the PSX ones, mainly 7 and 9) games. Around the same time I started spending more time on the computer, aside from just instant messaging and the occasionally game of Starcraft. I got Half-Life and... well, it got better from there :D
I went like this
NES -> SNES -> PlayStation -> N64 (computer gaming started around this time) -> GameCube -> Xbox -> PS2d

What's megadrive?
I probably started gaming when i was about 4 or 5, meaning it was 91-92. I had a NES, and I would always be playing Mega Man, Super Mario, and a random other 40 (yes, 40) NES cartriges I had. Then I got a SNES, and started playing Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, SM: LOTSS, basically all the games that were a hit at the time. We then got our first computer, an old IBM 486SX which had a 25 Mhz processor and 8 megs of ram. It had a 20 and 60 MB hard drives in it. The only games I really played on it were educational, like Peter Pan, the Jump Start series, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego, etc. I then got a N64 and started playing just about every hit game that came out, though my parents gave me Superman 64, which about made me lose faith in gaming altogether. Now I have a Gamecube with about 15-20 games for it, and im currently on the 4th computer our family has owned, a Dell 4600 with a 2.66 gig P4, 512 MB ram, 128MB Radeon 9800 pro, and a 60 GB hard drive, with various accessories. I dont plan to quit gaming anytime soon. :thumbs:
Megadrive = British name for Genesis.
I can only remember gaming as far back as when I was four (1989), we had an Atari 800XL and I played Star Command on that all the damned time. And Ghost Hunt, that game was awesome. I know we had the system earlier than that but I don't know when.
In 1990 my parents took me into town one day and I couldn't believe my eyes when my dad took me over to a computer in this electronics store (Tandy, any Brits here remember Tandy?) and told me he was buying it for us! It was an Atari ST 512FM (512kb of RAM, hah!) Discovery Pack (30+ games and STOS, The Game Creator). I adored that machine and have many fond memories of games from it. It downright pwned the Amiga in terms of gameplay. I even still play the same games with an ST emulator on the PC (STew).
Christmas 1990 I got me a Game Boy with Tetris and Gargoyle's Quest.
In 1994 my mom bought my sister's Super NES off of her for my birthday with Mario Kart and Mario All Stars. It didn't take me long to build an extensive collection including the all time classics such as Zelda, Terranigma, Super Metroid etc. and the masterpiece that is Secret of Mana (Sorry folks, no Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger for us UK gamers until FF7). In '98 we got a PC and my first games on PC were Grand Theft Auto and SiN, which to me is a severely underrated classic. I've gone through all the seminal FPS games and gained my huge fanboy obsession with Looking Glass Studios and the Unreal series (Unreal 1 is still my all time fave FPS, Metroid Prime doesn't count as an FPS to me). '98 was also when I found out about emulation, and have been really into the development of SNES emulation (I was a zSNES user back when it was still DOS only and Plasticman's Emulation Zone was THE place to be for all things emulated - even before Zophar). Through emulation I got to play through all the great SNES RPGs I missed, so I'm up on that culture.
In 99 I bought a PSone, but some time later ruined it trying to chip it just so I could play Xenogears in England :( I soon after got a replacement PSX but didn't chip it, I now use a Goldfinger cartridge to play copies of the RPGs I missed out on - although I bought FF7 on PC when it was released.
In 2001 I got my Dreamcast. Best system since the SNES to me, and I got big into importing (Capcom vs SNK 2 being the number one reason, I am a HUGE SNK fanboy).
In 2002 I bought a PS2 just for Metal Gear SOlid 2: Substance. I had already completed MGS2 numerous times at my friend's house, but Substance had VR missions, and I loved the Special Missions MGS1 disc.
Shadowhearts was another big PS2 seller for me, I loved that game so much.
Also in 2001 I got a GBA, and am big into GBA games.
In late 2003 I bought my Gamecube along with Metroid Prime and Smash Brothers Melee - and Prime went on to join Secret of Mana as my two all time favourite games.
Also in late 2k3 I updated to a blue GBA SP. Mmmm... SP.
In 2004 I moved to the US with my wife (whom I met online, she is from River Falls Wisconsin whom I visited for 3 months and she visted me for two before we got merried, and we spent 9 months in England after getting married then moved here in April). I got another Cube in November (Platinum Cube with Metroid Prime and the Echoes demo) and am sharing an Xbox with our flatmate. I managed to get a Sega CD/Genesis combo system for $20 at a garage sale in September with 4 games. My sister-in-law gave us her old SNES, and a friend of mine game me his NES with 25 games (Including Castlevania, Megaman and Contra, no less). I also bought a PSX recently and an N64.
And that's it as far as my system history goes.

Games/Game Series I adore:
Secret of Mana!
Metroid Prime!
Metroid series
Castlevania series
King of Fighters!
Last Blade
Soul Reaver (mostly the first Soul Reaver title - Raziel is my videogame idol)
System Shock
Deus Ex
C&C (The first two and Red Alert 2)
Mana series
FF6 and 7
Smash Brothers

As much as I love the Final fantasy games, they wouldn't go in as a series on my list.

My favourite companies would have to be Konami, SNK and Bullfrog (Only up until Molyneux left).

I also hold a record with all my gaming friends for beating Starwing/Starfox on the SNES in under 20 minutes with 100% on every stage. And finishing Resident Evil 1 in 1 hour and 14 minutes.
I started gaming when I and my brother got the SNES in Christmas present when we were in the US (1994). We played games like Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World. Later I got a 486 PC (somewhere around 1995-97 I think) and played the game "JetStrike" to death, and many other games like Raptor, Duke Nukem 3D and Jazz JackRabbit.
And after that I became a Sony fanboy, buying the PlayStation. Although I wasn't really impressed with it at first, but after I played some games on it (Die Hard 2, Tekken 2 etc.) it was a simply fantastic machine.

Well, that's what I can remember.
Early atari consoles and Spectrums are where I started.

Then arcades, atari st, amiga, pc, nes and master system.

Next it was the snes, megadrive, Gameboy, Lynx, GameGear and more pc.

32-bit arrived and PS, Saturn and N64 (and Jaguar /o\) with it. Again, more pcs.

Which brings us to today - DC, GC, XBox, PS2, GBA and pcs (DS shall arrive soon :))

Misspent youth? almost certainly.

Great fun? definately :)
Started on those old simple things

First computer was a Spectrum 48k

Commodore 64

Amiga 500

Amiga 1200


486 PC

Pentium 100

Pentium 200 MMX

600mhz I think PC

another around the same speed as above, i think.

Duron 1.5ghz (around a gig anyways)

1ghz Athlon

AthlonXP 2800+

10 dual cpu render nodes (which I hardly ever use cause it gets far too hot here now with them on)

Still sorta miss the old Amiga 1200
I started gaming when I was two years old. In 1985 my mom bought me an NES and I took to it. I remember playing it all the time...in fact, during the big quake of '89 in the Bay Area I remember playing NES while everything was shaking. I wasn't even disturbed by it. :laugh:
I started doing computers when I was four, in preschool. The teacher brought in some Apple //c's to test our cognitive learning skills...logical sequencing, concentration, visual discrimination, that sort of thing. I've got a progress report and a certificate my mom saved from the program that lists all the skills. My only experience with computers was at school until a long time later, because my family used to be poor.

Let's see...after two NES machines, both of which had been sold, I got a Super Nintendo. I remember getting it on November 21st when I was eleven or twelve, because that was my father's birthday and also the day Nintendo released Donkey Kong Country. Super Nintendo also eventually got sold.
I ended up inheriting an Atari 2600 from a great aunt; I used it to augment a friend's plugless Genesis. I have no idea why but Atari 2600 plugs and controllers work perfectly with the Sega Genesis. That's where I played one of my all-time favorite games, the unfathomably cool Gunstar Heroes. Also, played a lot of Beavis and Butthead, whose kickass-ness needs no mention. Huh-huh.

Dunno what happened to that Atari, but after that my next system was my Sega Saturn. I miss my Saturn. X:Men: CotA, Astal, Panzer Dragoon...such a great system. What a pity that it was released during a time when 3D games were emerging and were all the rage. Saturn was a 2D beast; it did 2D like nothing else could. Saturn eventually got sold for a paltry $25 so my family could afford to buy food that week. RIP Saturn.

During middle school my friend introduced me to computer gaming, and we spent most of our time playing Diablo. Diablo was teh rawk.

For my middle school graduation I got a Playstation, which I kept for many, many years. Funny story, the first day I had that PS I rented Resident Evil, which scared me shitless. I literally almost had a heart attack when the zombie dog burst through the window in the first corridor of Jill's game, because, as I remember thinking, "That was a prerendered environment! Things like that aren't supposed to pop out of prerendered environments!" I didn't have a memory card and I didn't want to lose my progress, so I just left the game running as I went outside to take a walk for an hour or so before coming back.
Sold my Playstation for my Dreamcast, my love, which is sitting some fifteen ft. or so from me in my closet. I stood outside the Electronics Boutique until 2am in the morning so that I could get one on opening night. Best investment I ever made, considering I bought it for Soul Calibur and I once previously spent $40 on Soul Calibur within two days...and I played it everyday...I used to have to pay people to challenge me because they knew better than to waste their own money. Except for one time when a friend of mine who I worked with at the local video game store in the mall challenged me to a game, and I ended up having him make me a sandwich (as he lost the bet) at the mall's deli, 'cause we knew everyone in the mall and everyone was cool like that. I'll cherish his humiliation forever.
"Now cut my sandwich."
"Cut your own damn sandwich!"
"YOU LOSE! CUT THE DAMNED SANDWICH. And buy me a cookie."

Then five years ago after much begging and pleading everyday for months upon months upon months, my parents bought me a sparkling new P3 450Mhz Gateway PC, which I still have and still use to this day because I absolutely adore that PC. I treat it as a member of the family, whereas this PC that I'm currently on is simply a big-ass, heavy mechanical beast whose soulless purpose is to plow through everything I through at it and laugh in a condescending tone. Getting ahead of myself though. First game on my PC, btw, was of course Half-Life. It was the whole reason I'd pestered my parents to get me a computer.

After PC came PS2, which I still have. Still occassionally play it, but not often. It's mostly used as a DVD player for DVDs that won't play on my computer. If I could find a damn copy of Capcom vs. SNK 2 for PS2 I'd play it waaaaaaaaaaaay more often. (Psychoanalysis05%, CvS2 players represent! What team/groove do you play? I play Terry, Rock, and Geese, team Southtown, on P groove.)

Then this summer I built this PC. As Half-Life 1 was the reason for getting that PC, HL2 was the reason I needed to build this PC.

That should about cover it up to present, not mentioning the fact that, interspersed between all those years, I was, and am to this day, a rabid arcade whore. That's a pretty big part of my gaming history since, as I said, I used to be poor and couldn't afford to have a system all the time. So I just went to the arcade with what money I could save up and went crazy-go-nuts on all the fighting games and sidescrollers.
I dont remenber my first game exactly
but I remenber the time when I get serious on games was in 1999 whit a playstation
yes I begun whit a console and I still playing whit consoles problem whit that?