Disease named after Seinfeld


May 5, 2004
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I work for a medical company and I was looking up some material to put up on the company website when I found this:

"Seinfeld syncope"

Syncope caused by hysterical laughter in a patient with cerebrovascular disease, causing a reaction similar to that effected by a Valsalva maneuver, with resultant reduced oxygen flow to the brain. The Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis journal (1997;242) reported the case of a 62-year-old male who lost consciousness three times after laughing hysterically while watching Seinfeld on television. The patient's fainting symptoms led to a diagnosis of severe cerebrovascular disease which ultimately required angioplasty and stenting. Source: Reuters - 10/29/97; NBC News - 11/07/97.

I laughed so much I feinted! ;)
I think I just got it.
*5 minutes later*
CptStern said:
I work for a medical company and I was looking up some material to put up on the company website when I found this:

"Seinfeld syncope"

Syncope caused by hysterical laughter in a patient with cerebrovascular disease, causing a reaction similar to that effected by a Valsalva maneuver, with resultant reduced oxygen flow to the brain. The Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis journal (1997;242) reported the case of a 62-year-old male who lost consciousness three times after laughing hysterically while watching Seinfeld on television. The patient's fainting symptoms led to a diagnosis of severe cerebrovascular disease which ultimately required angioplasty and stenting. Source: Reuters - 10/29/97; NBC News - 11/07/97.

I laughed so much I feinted! ;)

Hahah....so he laughed so much he wasn't breathing enough and passed out?
that's quite awesome. Im happy the old dude liked seinfeld, old people usualy have no sense of humour lol
Foxtrot said:
Hahah....so he laughed so much he wasn't breathing enough and passed out?

I dont know ...I had to pronounce the big words phoenetically cuz I'm the web designer, not a doctor :E
It sounds like one way or another that he laughed so hard that he cut off enough O2 to his brain that he passed out. The reason he passed out so easily turns out to be that he had a medical condition that they were then able to treat.
It would seem that Seinfeld probably saved his life. :D
CptStern said:
I work for a medical company and I was looking up some material to put up on the company website when I found this:

"Seinfeld syncope"

Syncope caused by hysterical laughter in a patient with cerebrovascular disease, causing a reaction similar to that effected by a Valsalva maneuver, with resultant reduced oxygen flow to the brain. The Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis journal (1997;242) reported the case of a 62-year-old male who lost consciousness three times after laughing hysterically while watching Seinfeld on television. The patient's fainting symptoms led to a diagnosis of severe cerebrovascular disease which ultimately required angioplasty and stenting. Source: Reuters - 10/29/97; NBC News - 11/07/97.

I laughed so much I feinted! ;)
lol, thats real then? haha
am i the only one never to have found a single episode of Seinfeld funny?
Chris Rock is the funniest man alive

Razor said:
am i the only one never to have found a single episode of Seinfeld funny?
I've nearly died laughing a handfull of times in my life, or it least it felt like it.

I'ts not such a bad way to go

I would pass out first, I guess.

Gary Sinefield as a stand-up comic is not very funny, but still interesting.

The show Sinefield is very funny.

Chris Rock is the funniest man alive

I'll laugh my ass of at anything that is funny in a really smart way. I like Jon Stewart, He's funny as shit too.

Your results may vary.
So thats why some of seinfeldrules posts cut off all of a sud-
Great condition, shame same cant be said for the show, heavily over-rated.
Hectic Glenn said:
Great condition, shame same cant be said for the show, heavily over-rated.


The funniest American standup comedian is Eddie Murphy, unfortunately he doesn't do standup any more.
The funniest English standup comedian is Lee Evans.
I think the show is fantastic. Finds the smallest, most insigificant things we might not think twice about in our daily lives, and makes it funny.

Maybe when you mature, you'll find it funny too!
Raziaar said:
I think the show is fantastic. Finds the smallest, most insigificant things we might not think twice about in our daily lives, and makes it funny.

Maybe when you mature, you'll find it funny too!

Seinfeld is nothing compared to shows like Frasier :rolleyes:
Razor said:
Seinfeld is nothing compared to shows like Frasier :rolleyes:

Now THERE's a show I don't like. Not my style.
Lol, Stern. I thought this was some hardcore flamebait against the right after the "Iraq election" thread.

Stern. I thought this was some hardcore flamebait against the right after the "Iraq election" thread.


You'd like that would'nt you? You, with your ... SMART PRESIDENTS! An-and, DUMB BOMBS! Oh yes, that would tickle you pink then, would you?

SupremePain said:
that's quite awesome. Im happy the old dude liked seinfeld, old people usualy have no sense of humour lol
haha you should see my grandma
shes so funny :laugh: