Disney acquires Lucasfilm. New Star-Wars movies planned.

"It`s now time for me to pass 'Star Wars' on to a new generation of filmmakers," he said in a statement.

What a load of shit. After all the incessant border-line insane changes you made to the original trilogy, now you just decide to pass it off to someone else? Yeah, I'm sure the money was insignificant, the real reason is that you feel it's time to pass the saga on to someone else. Yup. That totally agrees with everything you've said and done for the last 40 years.
Unless they follow the Thrawn trilogy or Yuuzhan Vong storyline...

No, that won't happen.

I don't want to live on this planet any more.
This is almost as bad as hearing that your loved one has months to live.
I thought they sold to Disney in like 2000 or something.
I know back in the 90's Disney made a deal with Lucas to add Star Wars and Indiana Jones theme rides to their parks.
Here's hoping it'll be a new story. Not some stupid prequel/sequel shit.

I hope it's about a Bounty Hunter or something. Or the republic Commandos (that game was amazing). I'm sick of Jedis being in the spotlight. Yea they got laser swords, yea they got the force. We've had 6 movies about them now, let someone else's story get told.
The Great Droid Detective
Beauty and the Hutt
Bothans and Broomsticks
Sleeping Boba
Snow White and the Seven Squadrons
"The Emperor's New Groove"
The Lightsaber in the Stone
Pirates of the Outer Rim: Curse of the Holocron
Darth Malus in Wonderland
D4: The Mighty Mynocks
One Hundred and One Midichlorians
Air Bud: Gold Leader
Honey, I Shrunk the Death Star
A Kid in Darth Vader's Boudoir
The R2 Unit of Notre Dame
The Aristoclonevats
Jar Jar and Company
Rogue Squadron Down Under
The Lion Chancellor
The Fox, The Hound, and the Ewok
Winnie the Sith
and finally...
Mickey's Twice Upon a Star Wars Christmas Special
You just sit back and wait for your FF Marvel Star Wars Disney Pixar Kingdom Hearts crossovers, mister.
"It`s now time for me to pass 'Star Wars' on to a new generation of filmmakers," he said in a statement.

What a load of shit. After all the incessant border-line insane changes you made to the original trilogy, now you just decide to pass it off to someone else? Yeah, I'm sure the money was insignificant, the real reason is that you feel it's time to pass the saga on to someone else. Yup. That totally agrees with everything you've said and done for the last 40 years.
With enough effort, even the most corrupt Sith can be turned to the Light Side. Skywalker taught us that. So too can enough bitching convince Lucas to stop ****ing touching the goddamn thing. Unfortunately now we have to start the bitching all over to get Disney to give it up.
Hey, if Joss Whedon or someone else who is actually GOOD on Disney's payroll is put in charge we could see something worth watching. I hope so badly that they do the Admiral Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. Those were ****ing awesome. If it sucks horribly I'll do what I did with the prequels: pretend they don't exist.
From what I read they said the new ones will continue from ROTJ.
Disney bought the rights to Indy, also, so more might happen. Joy.

Star Wars Episode VII: Return of the Jar-Jar
If it's a new story, why are they calling it Episode VII?
Hey, if Joss Whedon or someone else who is actually GOOD on Disney's payroll is put in charge we could see something worth watching. I hope so badly that they do the Admiral Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. Those were ****ing awesome. If it sucks horribly I'll do what I did with the prequels: pretend they don't exist.
Whedon doing Star Wars. Mm. Nope. Uh uh. Doesn't gel with me at all. I think he's a good writer but he needs the right material and Star Wars it is not. Who else we got...

Christopher Nolan? John Williams has a stroke mid-production as he no longer has the stamina to produce the intense quick-paced music to fill out all the spastic half-hour action montages Nolan requires for all his overblown blockbuster epics.

James Cameron? In this new saga, Luke's protege is sent to Endor to smooth uneasy relations between the resident human forces and the native Ewoks. However, while integrating himself into their tribe, he discovers more than his heart had bargained for...

Ridley Scott? I don't want to think about Jar Jar spontaneously bursting out of anything.

David Fincher? Dust off your box sets, as it is revealed in the final movie that Han was actually a figment of Luke's imagination all along, a vision of who he wanted to be growing up on Tatooine. Someone cooler, tougher, and more resourceful than him. Someone who doesn't need magic powers to be a badass. Someone who can bone Leia without being called a filthy sister ****er.

Michael Bay? 20 years from now Michael Bay will release a new re-edited version which enhances the explosion of the new new Death Star, after fans complain that the explosion filled the entire screen for a mere quarter of the film's total running time.

Zack Snyder? The opening sequence features two ships in combat, slowly gliding past the screen towards a planet as they exchange laser fire. The effect will be further enhanced by applying slow motion to the entire scene, bringing its running time up to 27 minutes. The blurb then begins to flash on-screen with accompanying stylised comic panels, foregoing the traditional text roll altogether.

J.J. Abrams? Haha, can you imagine the ****ing lensflare on those lightsabers.
Couldn't give a toss about Star Wars but I am curious what Disney will do with LucasArts. Perhaps GoG will finally be able to negotiate with them to get Day of the Tentacle, etc.
Unless they follow the Thrawn trilogy or Yuuzhan Vong storyline...

No, that won't happen.

I don't want to live on this planet any more.
This is almost as bad as hearing that your loved one has months to live.

As with all books, I read halfway through and never pick back up. Is the Thrawn Trilogy the one that contains the SunCrusher, and a Cloned Emporer.

The Yuuzhan Vong books is where Chewie is killed correct?

If it sucks horribly I'll do what I did with the prequels: pretend they don't exist.

There were prequels?

Have Adam Baldwin play as a Bounty Hunter and they should be half okay

Why is everybody againt Disney buying the rights. They brought us Avengers Assemble
They brought us Avengers Assemble

Disney had almost nothing to do with that, they were very hands-off. Whether they'll do the same with Lucasfilm is another matter - and either alternative there could be dreadful.
Am I the only person who finds saying "Star Wars: Episode 7" to be a really weird experience. It just doesn't gel.

Hopefully George Lucas is actually taking a step back like so many people are claiming. Damn he has ****ed up so many times.
Disney had almost nothing to do with that, they were very hands-off. Whether they'll do the same with Lucasfilm is another matter - and either alternative there could be dreadful.
That's because Disney the studio and Disney the brand are very separate entities. There's still (a new) hope that it won't suck.

Plus that means George Can'tStopGoingBackandMessingWithStarWars Lucas won't be directing it.

That being said...
I'll just leave this here.
