I wrote this to be a slight(albeit extremely small) guide to turrets, with people adding things in. Thanks for any help anyone provides.
1. Open up npc_turret_floor.
2. Look at the different values
More noticeable ones would be the ammo type. Since I am reading through the files one by one, I can't see what it is linked too. Anyways, try modifying this variable to see what you can come up with.
Another would be m_flFieldOfView. The member variable is commented as field of view - Either how far it rotates, or how far it can "see"(or both).
Right below m_flFieldOfView are health/maxhealth.
I am not sure if this works. I am fairly sure that when you use the npc_create, it passes a reference to the string, which then goes through a case statement... mr_unanimouse, it would please me if you could help out a bit(with what is called with npc_create).
Also, I have not found a variable for the turrets being friendly/non-friendly. I have seen the function IRelationType(), and would possibly be it.
Thank you, qck. I just learned how to use that function(from you of course(LETC)). Also showed me a great use of inheritance
1. Open up npc_turret_floor.
2. Look at the different values
More noticeable ones would be the ammo type. Since I am reading through the files one by one, I can't see what it is linked too. Anyways, try modifying this variable to see what you can come up with.
Another would be m_flFieldOfView. The member variable is commented as field of view - Either how far it rotates, or how far it can "see"(or both).
Right below m_flFieldOfView are health/maxhealth.
I am not sure if this works. I am fairly sure that when you use the npc_create, it passes a reference to the string, which then goes through a case statement... mr_unanimouse, it would please me if you could help out a bit(with what is called with npc_create).
Also, I have not found a variable for the turrets being friendly/non-friendly. I have seen the function IRelationType(), and would possibly be it.
Thank you, qck. I just learned how to use that function(from you of course(LETC)). Also showed me a great use of inheritance