Disturbing dream


Jul 1, 2004
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In this dream, I was at work (on a farm), I walked into my house, and my dad was watching TV. I started watching too. It was some comedy...after a few minutes it went weird.

The scene:
2 men, standing on a concrete platform in some water body surrounded by tall apartments. It's nighttime.
For some reason, I knew they were about to get shot. The joke was that one guy is afraid of water (or something) but to escape from the snipers they had to jump in the water.
This is where it takes a real turn for the worse. Now when I'm about to have a nightmare, I make myself wake up. I knew something was about to go wrong, so when the guy gets shot the first time, I force myself to wake up...
But when I woke up, I couldn't stay awake, I felt like I was being pulled back to sleep, so a few seconds later I fell back to sleep. Now the view fills my vision, it's not just on the TV. And the guy keeps getting shot, his friend is getting shot, and finally the guy is convinced to jump in the water....but by then it's too late. They jump in and the snipers keep shooting. There's blood everywhere, the water is red, there's blood shooting out of holes in the guy's head and body, his friend is trying to cover up the holes with his hands, but his hands are shot, and they're both getting shot, the water is spraying up everywhere, and blood, and water... The worst part is that they WOULDN'T DIE. They just kept on getting shot and blood was going everywhere and they kept fighting but couldn't win...
Finally I forced myself to wake up. I was shaking, terrified and sickened.
I still felt like I was being pulled back to sleep but this time I wouldn't let myself fall back to sleep. Eventually the feeling left and I fell back to sleep, and had normal dreams.

WTF. I'm still....nervous, it's affected my mood all day now. Just wanted to get this off my chest.
The worst dreams are those where you have a pervasive feeling of absolute horror, but there's no real stimulus to say where it's coming from. Just an overwhelming feeling of wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
The worst dreams are those where you have a pervasive feeling of absolute horror, but there's no real stimulus to say where it's coming from. Just an overwhelming feeling of wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
That's where I usually wake up.

A few weeks ago I had a dream that lightning struck a tree and suddenly I got that feeling. I always force myself to wake myself up then.
MiccyNarc said:
In this dream, I was at work (on a farm), I walked into my house, and my dad was watching TV. I started watching too. It was some comedy...after a few minutes it went weird.

The scene:
2 men, standing on a concrete platform in some water body surrounded by tall apartments. It's nighttime.
For some reason, I knew they were about to get shot. The joke was that one guy is afraid of water (or something) but to escape from the snipers they had to jump in the water.
This is where it takes a real turn for the worse. Now when I'm about to have a nightmare, I make myself wake up. I knew something was about to go wrong, so when the guy gets shot the first time, I force myself to wake up...
But when I woke up, I couldn't stay awake, I felt like I was being pulled back to sleep, so a few seconds later I fell back to sleep. Now the view fills my vision, it's not just on the TV. And the guy keeps getting shot, his friend is getting shot, and finally the guy is convinced to jump in the water....but by then it's too late. They jump in and the snipers keep shooting. There's blood everywhere, the water is red, there's blood shooting out of holes in the guy's head and body, his friend is trying to cover up the holes with his hands, but his hands are shot, and they're both getting shot, the water is spraying up everywhere, and blood, and water... The worst part is that they WOULDN'T DIE. They just kept on getting shot and blood was going everywhere and they kept fighting but couldn't win...
Finally I forced myself to wake up. I was shaking, terrified and sickened.
I still felt like I was being pulled back to sleep but this time I wouldn't let myself fall back to sleep. Eventually the feeling left and I fell back to sleep, and had normal dreams.

WTF. I'm still....nervous, it's affected my mood all day now. Just wanted to get this off my chest.
i love these threads, just because i can say "you don't want to know" about the scary dreams i've had. no, seriously.

on relation of non-scary dreams, the latest few days i've had very, very odd dreams. they haven't seemed to have any real content, i dream of feelings instead of events.. it's really damn weird.
the visual imagery is very distorted and weird, sometimes "fleshy" or dark.. or synthetic, luminiscent.. i think alot, but it's not like being in a virtual reality. it's more like i'm in a deep state of tranquil. i don't know what the **** is causing it.
I've had dreams about death ... its just all black when you die. Scared me to hell. Heh, maybe thats were I was ... anyway, after that first dream, I had a second one just like and I was ... actually able to move around in it.

Maybe I was just under my bedcovers ... I dunno.
Uriel said:
Last bad dream i had a Bear ate me.

It's a sign.

But... some of my worst dreams, have involved Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

He used to be in my dreams ALL the time. Some of the weirder and most painful ones(not the scariest ones), are me being transformed into a human armoire, and Pennywise pulls my drawyers out, and starts using a hacksaw to chop me up and take little chunks off my body, reducing me to scrap.
Raziaar said:
It's a sign.

But... some of my worst dreams, have involved Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

Gah, when I was young I couldn't even look at that book D:
I had night terrors when I was younger, so scary dreams dont affect me as much as they used to.
Raziaar said:
It's a sign.

But... some of my worst dreams, have involved Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

He used to be in my dreams ALL the time. Some of the weirder and most painful ones(not the scariest ones), are me being transformed into a human armoire, and Pennywise pulls my drawyers out, and starts using a hacksaw to chop me up and take little chunks off my body, reducing me to scrap.

Random fact - Qckbeam is uncannily similar to Pennywise.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Random fact - Qckbeam is uncannily similar to Pennywise.

-Angry Lawyer

the reason i keep away from hetairia :(
MiccyNarc said:
That's where I usually wake up.

A few weeks ago I had a dream that lightning struck a tree and suddenly I got that feeling. I always force myself to wake myself up then.
I get that kind of shit very rarely, but it's the worst feeling in the world. I wrote about it in another dream thread - basically, I looked up a flight of stairs and saw the darkness at the top and flipped a shit. I've never been more scared in my life. It was like a white flash of pure evil in the darkness, I woke up panting, terrified, and drenched in sweat. Bad dreams are extremely rare to the point of obscurity with me (though I have a few disturbing ones every now and then).

It's like a flash of terrible white that despite lacking any substance or physical form causes the absolute most animal, base fear in me.
Angry Lawyer said:
The real reason is because you don't love me anymore ;(

-Angry Lawyer

The real reason he stays away, is because i'm not invited. He's so sympathetic to my cause!
why wake up!? if your so confident that your dreaming, tell youreslf that! You tell yourself your know your dreaming and why dont you just confront your fear and stand right in front of the sniper and tell yourself that he cannot harm you and your in your bed. Then procede to look closely at him... you'll noticed hes changed now and no longer a 'bad' guy. Guarenteed.
For some reason, I usually turn nightmares upside down.

For instance, a criminal is chasing me, so I duck into a shed. I grab a lead pipe and hide in the shadows. When he comes through the doorway looking for me, I sneak up behind him and bash him in the head several times, spraying me with warm blood from the gash in his head.

I find that afterwards, these types of dreams are far more disturbing.
I tend to be an insomniac, my sleep is short and fitful. Too much on the brain.

-Angry Lawyer
I get that kind of shit very rarely, but it's the worst feeling in the world. I wrote about it in another dream thread - basically, I looked up a flight of stairs and saw the darkness at the top and flipped a shit. I've never been more scared in my life. It was like a white flash of pure evil in the darkness, I woke up panting, terrified, and drenched in sweat. Bad dreams are extremely rare to the point of obscurity with me (though I have a few disturbing ones every now and then).

It's like a flash of terrible white that despite lacking any substance or physical form causes the absolute most animal, base fear in me.
That happens to me frequently, probably once or twice a month. Usually looking back, that which I was scared of wouldn't be at all scary outside a dream, but in my dream I was scared to death.
why wake up!? if your so confident that your dreaming, tell youreslf that! You tell yourself your know your dreaming and why dont you just confront your fear and stand right in front of the sniper and tell yourself that he cannot harm you and your in your bed. Then procede to look closely at him... you'll noticed hes changed now and no longer a 'bad' guy. Guarenteed.
I couldn't control the dream, the dream was controlling me. That was the scariest part.
Sometimes I have these dreams about boobies, and i wake up and my sheets are sticky :thumbs:
Codcommando said:
Sometimes I have these dreams about boobies, and i wake up and my sheets are sticky :thumbs:
This is the advantage of my very vivid dreams (they generally go beyond boobies)
Had a dream the other morning (just before my alarm woke me D: )

I saw a snowy forest, seemed to be on a camera just above head height moving through the forest, and saw someone in WW2 US Para Uniform.

Moved up to him and it was Cpt. Winters from Band of Brothers. I could tell from the way he was looking into the trees and mist that he was expecting some action soon. Next thing i knew Nixon was there (BoB character again) talking to Winters, was q quiet reflective convo though didn't hear any of it, just could feel it.

Then my alarm went off and i didn't get to finish the dream D:
I generally don't have dreams, or at least, don't have dreams I can remember in the morning. Do I have a soul?
MuToiD_MaN said:
I generally don't have dreams, or at least, don't have dreams I can remember in the morning. Do I have a soul?

I thought you traded it for your awesome avatar.
Actually my last couple memorable dreams, almost a year apart, both involved what I believe to be probably near-toxic amounts of garlic and/or chilli. They both had musical scores and went on forEVER. The last one was some sort of psychological-ish horror type situation that played out almost like a movie (an effect greatly helped by the score), involving an island with a mad scientist putting the minds of dead people into monsters. Not their brains, mind you ... just, sorta ghostly projections of their minds into the weirdest creatures ever. Another detail I remember about the dream was this demon/ghost thing that killed people in indescribable ways. The "zomgImdead!" moment for its victims was in how this otherwise invisible ghost revealed itself. It would do so by appearing as the giant gaping wide eyes of the victim's own shadow when cast on a nearby wall! Then a roar, then black. I even remember my own thoughts throughout the dream. Since throughout most of the dream I wasn't an actor in the scene, it was more like watching a movie. A movie that I thought I was watching a trailer for, then as it kept going on and on through more scenes I was like "Geez, I guess this is the whole movie!" Don't remember how it ended or when I woke up, but I do remember the skulls and crossbones that were oozing out of my pores and breath when I did wake up. Oh yeah and it was like 2 PM for like 10 hours of sleep. Guess it did last a long time!

Man that was some good chili. I had the Chili Size at Claim Jumpers to thank for that dream btw.
Angry Lawyer said:
The worst dreams are those where you have a pervasive feeling of absolute horror, but there's no real stimulus to say where it's coming from. Just an overwhelming feeling of wrong.

-Angry Lawyer
nuh-uh. the worst dreams are the ones where you're falling. the main rule is to wake up before you land in these dreams. but lord-oh-mighty! what are you watching or doing that made you have this dream!? i mean, i've dreamt i was having a party in the sewers- there was a bowling lane, golf course, everything- but holy crap that's nothing even close to your dream! wow...... do you have any strange programs you watch on tv that involves guns? do you play counter-strike? TELL ME WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, WOMAN!! TELL MEEEEE!!!!!11
MiccyNarc said:
That happens to me frequently, probably once or twice a month. Usually looking back, that which I was scared of wouldn't be at all scary outside a dream, but in my dream I was scared to death.

I couldn't control the dream, the dream was controlling me. That was the scariest part.
hmmmm... if you can tell yourself you are dreaming within you dream( as you were doing) you should be able to confidently think to yourself that you cannot be harm... and wah la! You are pretty awesome now

Dreams are very interseting. It is a way of your subconscious talking to you and telling you how to react in real life situations. All dreams can be interperted and you can find a message of what your subconscious is trying to tell you. For example a very common dream is that of one of your teeth falling out of your gums/mouth. This is an indication of stress or not saying whats ony our mind and holding it back.
Pauly said:
For example a very common dream is that of one of your teeth falling out of your gums/mouth. This is an indication of stress or not saying whats ony our mind and holding it back.
Hmmm, that's a big part of the dream I linked to. Nobody mentioned that in the thread though. Interesting.