Disturbing footage

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May 25, 2003
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Not sure if this was posted before but I just found this disturbing video.


Warning- animal lovers stay out, there's no killing in it but it is a very disturbing video of two teens smacking a dog hard with a skateboard. The two teens went to jail for this offense, serves em' right.
There was a thread just yesterday that was closed for linking to an animal abuse video (A different one)

So hopefully this wont stay open either..
(Somehow i doubt anyone really wants to see that happen to a dog..)
The one from yesterday involved a killing of a dog (which looked more like a mercy killing or self defense than intentional harm to the dog), this one just shows an intentional beating of a dog by 2 idiots.

I put a warning up there for a reason, if you can't handle seeing something like this don't open it up.
That's terrible. Was it supposed to be that short though?
Zeus said:
I put a warning up there for a reason, if you can't handle seeing something like this don't open it up.
I was merely pointing out the mods obviously don't particularly care for animal abuse videos being posted. But apparently you already knew this and decided to post it anwayz.
I'd beat that piece of shit to within an inch of his life and feed his gay skateboarder ass to the wood chipper.

No wait I'm not done. This pisses me off so much I cant even breath. That dog didnt do a damn thing, all it was doing was having a siesta next to a coke machine and that dipshit comes up and smacks it with his ****** mobile. I swear on my fathers grave that if I ever see somebody do that I will grab the nearest blunt object and smash the bastards forhead in. The worst part was the dog cowering in the corner... how could people be such pieces of shit?
Close this shit. Even if your "Perfectly fine" with dogs being beaten, this is still not a good thread for the forum. Pfft...
At least the assholes got what they deserved.
Two San Angelo teens accused of animal cruelty were released from jail Thursday on $7,500 bond each.

17 year-olds Joshua Benjamin Johnson and Kevin Ward Wright were arraigned before J.P. Fred Buck Thursday morning following their arrest at Central on Wednesday. Both were charged with cruelty to animals, a state jail felony. They allegedly struck a dog with a skateboard repeatedly at a downtown parking lot. Concerned parents contacted law enforcement after a video of that beating was distributed over the internet.

They also face 2 previous convictions of serious bodily injury.
SilentKilla said:
I wanna know where they live.
Two San Angelo teens accused of animal cruelty were released from jail Thursday on $7,500 bond each.

17 year-olds Joshua Benjamin Johnson and Kevin Ward Wright were arraigned before J.P. Fred Buck Thursday morning following their arrest at Central on Wednesday. Both were charged with cruelty to animals, a state jail felony. They allegedly struck a dog with a skateboard repeatedly at a downtown parking lot. Concerned parents contacted law enforcement after a video of that beating was distributed over the internet.

They also face 2 previous convictions of serious bodily injury.
You can start by going there.
I feel sorry for that poor dog.
gh0st said:
I'd beat that piece of shit to within an inch of his life and feed his gay skateboarder ass to the wood chipper.

No wait I'm not done. This pisses me off so much I cant even breath. That dog didnt do a damn thing, all it was doing was having a siesta next to a coke machine and that dipshit comes up and smacks it with his ****** mobile. I swear on my fathers grave that if I ever see somebody do that I will grab the nearest blunt object and smash the bastards forhead in. The worst part was the dog cowering in the corner... how could people be such pieces of shit?
Why just his ass in the wood chipper? Why not his entire body.
I would've just followed him into an isolated area and sneak up on him and grab him and torture the hell out of him.
Prince of China said:
Why just his ass in the wood chipper? Why not his entire body.
Well wood chippers grab things and pull them in, I'd just start with his ass.

An animal control officer testified that the dog was found and euthanized after no one adopted it.
Johnson was beaten up by a group of boys at a local skate park after the video became public, he said, a reiteration of statements he made during a videotaped confession played in court.
Ha! Yes I can!
bam23 said:
Why would they even do that?
Why? Because it MAkeS Th3m EXTREEEMMME!!!!! to teH MAX!!!
I bet those guys thought it would be pretty cool to attack a helpless animal.
that makes me angry, although i don't care to see the video.

these kids probably didn't have a good upbringing. beating a helpless animal will just be one color of their future criminal record if they don't get some serious help.
Someone please *SNIP* that link. Such utter garbage doesn't belong on these forums.
I would gladly whack them with my mighteh crowbar!....or that's what Gordon will probably say after watching this.... :|
:( omg.... I can't whatch that I started it and cancelled as soon as it started. that is the most terrible thing i've ever seen. The dog was just sitting there :( what the bloody **** is wrong with them.

I think you best take the footage down, we woulden't show a vide of a helpless human being battered on these forums, no less a dog.
Well Im not going to watch it, but I can say that a kid beating up another kid would bother me less for some reason.

People like that are just screwed up.
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