DM-Insurgency Released



Map Name: Insurgency
Author: HellFire
Email: [email protected]
Complete: Yup
Size: 2mb .zip
Temp. Alternate Link:
Recommended # players: 4-8

"The rebel insurgency's current push drove them deep into the Combine's research areas near Nova Prospekt. The site of this battle is one of the Combine's first attempts at a Xen relay teleporter. Unlike the one Gordon and Alyx reached however, this one isn't so functional..."

Hey all, this is my first public release for Half-Life 2.. If any of you guys remember, I made the Ground Zero single player series for the original Half-Life, so it's been a while since I've been back at with Hammer. The map is old school in its approach, but there are a few new ideas to keep it interesting, and a solid layout. Have fun!

I'm really looking for some servers to host this map. I've gotten a lot of positive comments on the play of this map, but unfortunately there is no where to play it right now. I've been hosting a temporary server for playing the map on, but it doesn't hand out the best pings. So if you can host it I would really appreciate that.

The map looks drab and empty. (Especially first screenshot)

I'm sure you could fill it up with some props... And decals..

But if you say it has good gameplay, I will have to give it a try some time.
damn right, i love classic dm style maps, good job man, imma play it here right away.
I think it looked nice, Clinical. Clean. Even though i'm a gravgun maniac it looks fun.
Seems pretty good, but graphically (effects, i dunno) it's a little bit poor. :eek: