[DM MAP RELEASE] dm_poolside_beta1


May 25, 2003
Reaction score

HL2 deathmatch map. Took me about 3 days to make, also my first HL2 map.


Toilets,sinks,barrels (explosive, floating, and metal) to fling around at each other.

A large pool to swim, fight in!

A high dive with an RPG on top (it may be dangerous to go up there [you will stick out like a sore thumb to the other players]) So if you want to go for the big gun, you will be taking a chance.

Nice swinging dynamic light in between the storage and locker room.

Please give critiques and I will see what I can add/fix for beta 2! No deconstructive critisism please!










Stick in some pipes, vents etc to make it less "boxy" and cut down on the open spaces, remember, the physics and rendering system do all the stuff thats visible, so a large open room full of players and physics objects will choke some CPU's
Can you please play the map, to critique how it plays? The map still has 0 downloads so I know nobody has played it yet.
Make the transition between the different rooms more complex and intersting, dont just make a tunnel into the next room. Try putting a border on the flooring near the pool also try to add some rust or water aged affects on things. In that first open room with the lockers it is way too open in the middle try relocating the lockers from against the wall into single file lines sticking outa the wall and mabey some benches in the middle, and a large wall mirror somewhere!
yadalogo said:
Make the transition between the different rooms more complex and intersting, dont just make a tunnel into the next room. Try putting a border on the flooring near the pool also try to add some rust or water aged affects on things. In that first open room with the lockers it is way too open in the middle try relocating the lockers from against the wall into single file lines sticking outa the wall and mabey some benches in the middle, and a large wall mirror somewhere!

Ok cool, thanks, but there are no mirrors in the hl2 engine I think?
Hmm i think you can create mirrors but im not sure, this could be a super fun dm map keep up the good work my friend!
yadalogo said:
Make the transition between the different rooms more complex and intersting, dont just make a tunnel into the next room. Try putting a border on the flooring near the pool also try to add some rust or water aged affects on things. In that first open room with the lockers it is way too open in the middle try relocating the lockers from against the wall into single file lines sticking outa the wall and mabey some benches in the middle, and a large wall mirror somewhere!

Map is looking very promising Zeus, I love the concept.

I think yadalogo has some good ideas. I'd personally like to see the big open room as a kind of changing room with 2 sections of lockers/benches/mirrors on either side and a gap in the middle. Could have a really great echo like atmosphere in there with the pool and everything and it'd look really post apocolypse with staines on the tiles, rust and general crap strewn around the place.
Gordons_nan said:
Map is looking very promising Zeus, I love the concept.

I think yadalogo has some good ideas. I'd personally like to see the big open room as a kind of changing room with 2 sections of lockers/benches/mirrors on either side and a gap in the middle. Could have a really great echo like atmosphere in there with the pool and everything and it'd look really post apocolypse with staines on the tiles, rust and general crap strewn around the place.

Thanks, will try that. I like the post-apocolyptic idea.

Beta 2 to-do list (so far)

-Add trim to pool
-Lower diving board (you could hit the ceiling if you were diving maybe)
-Add more tipped over stuff, to make the place look like an abandoned mess.
-possibly make windows for the front, with a skybox texture outside
Keep it up Zeus. It looks like you have the general layout down so just refine it with some great textures/decals and some more props. Make the lighting a little more interesting too.

Maybe you could put a huge hole in the ceiling right above the pool to let some sunlight in.
bliink said:
Stick in some pipes, vents etc to make it less "boxy" and cut down on the open spaces, remember, the physics and rendering system do all the stuff thats visible, so a large open room full of players and physics objects will choke some CPU's

i agree.
too many open spaces in this map... some pipes, vents and other such things are needed to give the map some sorta feel to it.
right now it kinda looks bland with all that open space.
Cut down on open spaces, add a bit of "looks" to each room, and make the transition real and smooth.. you've got the idea, just give it some work and polish and then show us some new screens.. gl
Zeus said:
Can you please play the map, to critique how it plays? The map still has 0 downloads so I know nobody has played it yet.

Hello Zeus. 25 downloads at his time but I will go for a look about.
put in some arches. lower the diving board. Have a dense locker room. Rather than a huge open plan arrangement. Take off the full bright and stick in a skybox with windows.
Pretty good effort Zeus. Lots of suggestions above so I don't need to repeat them.

Add perhaps a small kiddies pool, sauna, hot tub or two - You just need additional decorations about.

Keep on mapping Zeus.
Your map is WAY too plain. In my opinion a good map is one that's larger than life. But, I can see what your getting at.

Make the ceiling lower, make the map darker with crappy lights hanging from the ceiling, add some flickering to 1 or 2 of the bulbs, and just think about what you would find in a changeroom, benches, some wrecked lockers, some junk laying around, etc.
If hl2dm have precipitation you could so make a dripping shower.
If that were a real public pool place, I wouldn't go to it. :p

Well, as others said, it's too open.

And besides the horrible brushwork (pipes were pretty good though) the whole thing really doesn't make sense.
What in the world are those old rusty barrels doing there!? You are also using that floor texture WAY too much.

And lol, who would want to swim in that murky brown water? :LOL:
The uhh.. "toilet dividers" are abnormally thick.
I don't understand why you didn't put more lockers and benches in that room.
You look like a first time mapper, so I can give you some slack.

I can't really tell from looking at your map.. But pools usually have a shallow end and a deep end.

Also, there better be valuable items or weapons in the pool, otherwise it is completely worthless. That = bad.

Hope you can fix these booboos. (Hehehe... 'booboos')
vegeta897 said:
If that were a real public pool place, I wouldn't go to it. :p

Well, as others said, it's too open.

And besides the horrible brushwork (pipes were pretty good though) the whole thing really doesn't make sense.
What in the world are those old rusty barrels doing there!? You are also using that floor texture WAY too much.

And lol, who would want to swim in that murky brown water? :LOL:
The uhh.. "toilet dividers" are abnormally thick.
I don't understand why you didn't put more lockers and benches in that room.
You look like a first time mapper, so I can give you some slack.

I can't really tell from looking at your map.. But pools usually have a shallow end and a deep end.

Also, there better be valuable items or weapons in the pool, otherwise it is completely worthless. That = bad.

Hope you can fix these booboos. (Hehehe... 'booboos')

Of course you wouldn't. It's a post apocalyptic era pool (as of beta 2). So far I've changed a TON of things for beta 2. Now there are rust decals EVERYwhere, toilet dividers are thinner, pool room ceiling is MUCH lower, pipes and wires on the wall in the pool area, floating barrels in the pool, now there is an illusion of the outside (crashed cars and stuff and a road and hills). There is a flickering light in the lobby area also benches in the lockerrooms and the pool now has a deep end and a shallow end. Also there is a crossbow in the pool, so it is worth going into :)
Beta 2 is out everyone!




Put .bsp file into

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\(Your email)\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps


Gave the map a more post-apocalyptic era feel

Added decals to make the map more elaborate

Pipes and wires in the pool room

Pool room ceiling lowered drastically

Benches in locker room/barrel room (storage area)

Much wider transitions between rooms (to make room transitions seem smoother)

Windows to outside (w/ upturned van giving illusion of a blocked door)

Added deep end/ shallow end of pools

Removed pool ladders (they are pointless as you can jump out just as easily or go up the shallow end ramp)

Floating barrels in the pool

More optimization to the map


The corner pipe near the pool looks like total crap, I'm sorry, I've been fighting with that pipe for days and it just is not turning out right at all, that was the best I could do....

The sinks don't respawn. But the toilets respawn ok

Thanks to

HL2world/Interlopers.net for tutorials!

Satch919 from hl2.net for giving me some help/tips!

Valve for making HL2!

HL2.net and HL2world for critiques of beta 1


I am not responsible for anything damaged by this map. Use at your OWN RISK!!! (no that doesn't mean it's going to blow up your computer, I'm just covering myself)
Need pics now.. I am too lazy to dl and run the map!
vegeta897 said:
Need pics now.. I am too lazy to dl and run the map!

Maybe later I will add pics. It is 1:30 AM and I am too tired.
lookin better and better. It needs to have more color or different textures. Maybe some different lighting? Try a tile texture for the walls surrounding the pool.
From the pictures...

Make the map more distinct from Half-Life 2 by adding some custom textures and decals...stuff like 'NO RUNNING' and 'HAVE YOU SHOWERED?' ... all that jazz. Also the pool is too dingy. Add lights to the bottom of the pool.
I think the pool itself looks pretty dope. The outside looks cool, but you need to make the other rooms look more realistic. What's the point of a locker room that has nothing in it but a huge amount of empty space?