DM Sci Fi


Apr 2, 2005
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Hiya peeps i just wanted to showcase my latest HL2 project here to get a bit of feedback on the theme.







As you can see it takes a very sci fi theme, set on a 'star ship' which is orbiting an unknown world. Im Using a completely new texture set and running mid-high FPS on my fairly mid range system.

All comments are welcome.

The archetexture looks good

heres what I saw
- wood crates? ;) and just aimless placed. Everything else in the ship has order why dont the crates
- the door tex look like they are over lapping, you might want to to create a texture thats shows where the doors open at. imagine this: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Theres not a lot texture variance, players will get quickly bored, if they start noticing how few textures you really are using, especially if the map doesnt play well or is the wrong style of play (sneak and explore)
- think about adding some widgets along the walls to make it look like a functional ship.

right now its reallly :borg:
Theres currently 22 textures used in the map, so i feel theres plently of variance especially as im trying to keep to a singular theme and seeing as the map is only a pretty small one (due to maxxing the verts on several occasions) i dont think theres too much of a problem.

As for the boxes well there actually only temporary and basically were put there to test certain triggers used in that area, they wont be there in the final release, and why wouldnt wooden boxes be used in such an environment?

The door textures arent actually over lapping, the yellow and black warning sign signify that the doors open in opposite directions from the middle.

Thanks for the Comments :)
I'd hump this map if it didn't have wood in it already.
Ditch the crates chief.
IZaNaGI said:
Theres currently 22 textures used in the map, so i feel theres plently of variance especially as im trying to keep to a singular theme and seeing as the map is only a pretty small one (due to maxxing the verts on several occasions) i dont think theres too much of a problem.

As for the boxes well there actually only temporary and basically were put there to test certain triggers used in that area, they wont be there in the final release, and why wouldnt wooden boxes be used in such an environment?

The door textures arent actually over lapping, the yellow and black warning sign signify that the doors open in opposite directions from the middle.

Thanks for the Comments :)

Im not trying to be an ass just pointing things out that can make the map go from a 8 to a 9 (The 9 to a 10 depends on game play)

I could see the texs but I can also see the same ones repeating A LOT. How many times do you see something other than grey, yellow, or white. What you dont see are any controls, access points, misc. hatches and storage comparments. These are things that add life and color to a map.

if the yellow and black warning stripes show you the doors then what do the ones on the walls, and under the ledges signify? these are places you can add a color change to and improve the map very easily

"and why wouldnt wooden boxes be used in such an environment?" the question should be why would they? metal or plastic would provide far more benifits than wood.
What you dont see are any controls, access points, misc. hatches and storage comparments

There are several hatches dotted around the map at the minute and yep your right there arent many access points/consoles and that is indeed something i'll look into!! :)

As for the general colour scheme im pretty happy with the sterile environment and i dont intend on replacing it ;)

Im not trying to be an ass

I didnt think you was, i enjoy hearing peoples opinions and its people like you that make me improve what i have already :)

Thanks to everyone else as well, the map is nearing completion and hope to have something out within a few days
IZaNaGI said:
As for the general colour scheme im pretty happy with the sterile environment and i dont intend on replacing it ;)

I wasnt going as far to say make it star trek like, as I like the looks also. Just that a bit of colors and some simple tex swaps would help lose the repetition that is visible
the Carpenter said:
I'd hump this map if it didn't have wood in it already.
Ditch the crates chief.


Awesome freaking map.