DM Tournament


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
The folks running the Verizon FiOS Grand Tournament have opened the official practice sessions for their $100,000 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch tournament, which begins June 15th. There's still time to sign-up, and the tournament is open to players of all skill levels residing in the United States. For more info head on over to

Cool, shame I'm in the UK though, I own. :D
Yeah, I just read about it - pretty sweet!

It begins on 6/15. I'm tempted, just for fun - I'm very good (used to be better), but I'm not top 8 good. It would be fun regardless.
from the rules:
1.40b The Tournament is open to all competitors regardless of nationality, gender or race.

1.40e Players must provide a valid Continental U.S. address to compete in this tournament.

this dosn't realy make sense to me.

i want to enter. stupid americans. does anyone know how i can get a US adress?
Screw you, whoever said it's for US only. There's a lot of people outside of the US who are pwnerers. That's racist right there. I'm not the best, but the mere fact that I don't get the opportunity to try while living in Canada pisses me the hell off.
They better use Fraps to capture their gameplay so everyone gets to see! What's the point of having a tournament with people that good if noone else gets to at least SEE it? :hmph:
TonicBH said:
If you didn't sign up for the tournament, be glad you didn't.

Man, that sounds pretty bad... hopefully they'll get things running smoother. In the end, it would be cool if they publish all of the demos of the top ranking matches.
slicer said:
from the rules:

this dosn't realy make sense to me.

stupid americans.

If i had to take a guess comments like that is whats holding you back, and i don't mean from an online game.

I do agree though, anyone should be able to play in the games, as long as you're not some 14 year old who has no respect and is a racist.
Yeah I signed up. Tried to play a match yesterday...right now it's just to get used to the system since they delayed it til Monady.

But I don't think I'll play any more. 1x1 matches are just not much fun. You spend a lot of time looking for the opponent. And for the tourny, they're only 15 minutes long.

They have to make it 17+ because the game has a mature rating.

And they probably made it US only for a bunch of good reasons. Primarily, this tournament is paid for by Verizon and the purpose of it is to advertise their new Internet service. Why pay to advertise to people outside the customer base? Aside from that, as you can see they don't even have enough servers to handle America...that's why they delayed til Monday. And finally, it would be an enormous legal hassle to run an international tournament and deal with laws from multiple nations.

"racist"? haha, I've never thought of Canadians or Americans as "races" of people. :D
From what I've heard, everyone in the tourney sucks except for like 10-15 guys, since the majority of them are CS/CSS players, hehe :p
Butterblaster said:
Yeah I signed up. Tried to play a match yesterday...right now it's just to get used to the system since they delayed it til Monady.

But I don't think I'll play any more. 1x1 matches are just not much fun. You spend a lot of time looking for the opponent. And for the tourny, they're only 15 minutes long.

They have to make it 17+ because the game has a mature rating.

And they probably made it US only for a bunch of good reasons. Primarily, this tournament is paid for by Verizon and the purpose of it is to advertise their new Internet service. Why pay to advertise to people outside the customer base? Aside from that, as you can see they don't even have enough servers to handle America...that's why they delayed til Monday. And finally, it would be an enormous legal hassle to run an international tournament and deal with laws from multiple nations.

"racist"? haha, I've never thought of Canadians or Americans as "races" of people. :D

You make many excellent points, I agree!

Also, I didn't know they were 1x1 games, I'm glad I didn't sign up. I can't stand 1x1 because it's so boring--after about 5 minutes I get too impatient and throw strategy out the window and end up just running around looking for the other player...