The map looks intresting but I would sujest adding a env_fog_controller as well as some sprites. Also position the sprites so they don't give u the cut effect. Also its pritty good but a lot of your objects seem oversized, maybe used smaller textures.
Lookin' good, I didnt like that map at all, but the map looks nice. I was working on a conversion of the edge, but I scraped it for now, but I may start up again...
I recognize that... Nice architecture and choice of textures. But there's two things I noticed. First of all, your texture scales are too big. You should set the default texture scale to 0.25 in the Hammer options and stick with that most of the time. Second of all, the sprite fog looks crummy, and I'm willing to bet it looks really weird ingame. Try using an env_fog_controller like IchI said.
for the fog, env_fog_controller is not recommended for the small map because is not realist, the build is white, so no realiste for the texture 0.25 scales add fps and cut brush (x10) ingames, scale 1 is good
The main building in the middle looks way too small compared to what the original was like. Looking good though.
I'd prefer a remake of the Longest Yard, that was the best map for Q3.