DMC4 Demo tomorrow

I will certainly download the demo and try it out, but I have yet to see anything that is really all that new or inspiring in DMC4 besides the slick new next-gen make-up. I guess we will see. I am very thankful for demos for precisely this kind of situation though. :thumbs:
Sweet I need to try this out considering the mixed reviews.
I've never played a DMC game before. D:

So I'll probably give the demo a go tomorrow then.
Awesome. Never played DMC before and what with me just buying a 360, I need to keep on the look out for new games. :E
I don't know what version I'll get. If the Pc version is decent though unlike DMC 3 then I might be able to get a copy from a friend though.
The Demo is now available on xbox live and PSN JP Store (US\UK later today)
Just beat the demo. I don't like that one of the missions is timed (10 minutes). I beat it with a minute to spare but I wanted to search around more and mess around with combos more.

The combat is as awesome as ever. The difficulty must be on the easy mode because enemies wouldn't even survive to the end of the little combo I came up with in my playthrough - Launch them in the air, rising with them, comboing them a bit, grabbing them, slamming them down, then yanking them back up in the air again for more of a beatdown.

I died once on the boss fight figuring out his moves. There's still a few of them that I don't know how/if you can dodge them.

Can't wait for this game.
Played it now.

Quite good but not as good as 1 and 3 but better than 2 (not hard though is it?)

I'll pick it up when it's cheaper.
Played and thought it was fun. Camera is kinda funky, but nobody's perfect. I'll get it through gamefly.
I understand that the game has a very deep combat system

That's what it's always been about. If you're not interested in mastering the combat/bosses and learning to kick some serious ass in a disgustingly cool way, you might as well not bother.
That's what it's always been about. If you're not interested in mastering the combat/bosses and learning to kick some serious ass in a disgustingly cool way, you might as well not bother.

well said
i enjoyed the demo
doubt i'll rush out to buy it the day it comes out though
I fall into the class of people who thought the demo was very pretty, but the camera was not great and the gameplay (i.e. combat) was just not exciting to me anymore. Overall it was seriously "meh" for me. :|
That's what it's always been about. If you're not interested in mastering the combat/bosses and learning to kick some serious ass in a disgustingly cool way, you might as well not bother.

Exactly. I love coming up with new and improved combos as I play DMC games all while facing a hefty challenge that is unrivaled in among the endless "casual" games with auto-regenerating health and all kinds of newbie-friendly features.
it's definitely a series that's aimed at hardcore gamers
i, for one, love a challenge :)
I love the DMC series, and will be picking it up for the pc
First impressions - DMC4 is awesome :)

It looks stunning and the combat is as good as 3rd person fighters get (it absolutely shits all over Heavenly Sword et al). I'm a little rusty, but have been pulling off some pretty awesome combos and absolutely love the grab move. The boss kicks ass and things will only get better as we get more abilities througout the game. I agree about the camera being slightly off at times, but it's one of those niggles that in no way detracts from the experience.

*charge, whack whack, shoot, knock in air, jump, chuck, shoot, eat it mother****er!*
I agree with the camera problems. I don't think it was ever that bad in the others was it? O_o
Really, is it a big deal? Not at one point did the camera make the game less enjoyable for me, or interfere in anyway with the fighting.
It interfered in the fighting with me especially during berial.
Loved it. My first ever experience and it was great fun. The enemies were balanced and it was all so cheesy and effortlessly cool that I couldn't help coming out of it with a smile on my face. I died on the Berial dude and couldn't be bothered to that ice fighting stuff again to get to him so I decided to cut my losses and be content that I got him down to one little bar left.

Will consider purchasing.
Camera problems always interfere with the game. I find it's my number-one complaint with most third-person games.

Moaning about the odd annoying angle when the combat is this good sounds like nitpickng to me.

I'm gonna mess around with the grab move more tonight. It's great from picking up downed enemies while you're in mid air and makes for a good opener. There really is so much to the combat in this game. Generic it is not.
Moaning about the odd annoying angle when the combat is this good sounds like nitpickng to me.

I'm gonna mess around with the grab move more tonight. It's great from picking up downed enemies while you're in mid air and makes for a good opener. There really is so much to the combat in this game. Generic it is not.

The only time I had camera issues is simply running around in the world. I never had any issues in combat.

I used the grab to continue my combo after I had slammed the enemy to the ground and I was still in the air. I'd yank them up and continue the beatdown :)
just played the demo
i think DMC4 = DMC3 > DMC1 >>>>>>> DMC2
I used the grab to continue my combo after I had slammed the enemy to the ground and I was still in the air. I'd yank them up and continue the beatdown :)

Aye, it's great :) You can beat the shit of out them, throw them away, then bring them back and start again!

Check out these vids:

They start off with basics then go on to show the 'exceed system', which I know sod all about, on the later pages. It looks like things are going to get crazy as the game goes on :)
Good god that 2nd page has some kickass combos and moves. I like the Berial throws.

Those blades over Nero's arms that shoot out red spines are a lot like the needler in Halo games.

EDIT: Holy shit, the video with the dogs in the snow on this page.

THIS is one of the reason I love DMC games. Instead of being a painfully easy game like God of War, just pressing block mid-combo to stop any and all attack (including colossus' massive hand swipes) have to be very mobile and dodge like a mofo. In that vid he doesn't get hit once. Combat just looks so damn fluid.
The dodge after the taunt was godly :)

I'm way too slow at the moment for stuff like that - a few years of button mashers have dulled the reflexes. I can't wait to play the game as Dante with his stance switching goodness too.

So. i had never played a DMC before this one. and i can/can't see what the fuss was about. the boss fight was insanely cool. . .the timed thing was. . .eh.

oh. . and that stupid stupid song that plays when you enter combat. . .with the retard techno/rapper guy singing some gay thing. . .i swear if i hear that song again i'm finding that dude and going medevil on him.