DMC4 New Trailer

the series has the most kickass cutscenes ever, i'm glad this is on 360 too, whats the story with Dante in this one? Do we play as him at all or just Nero? Is Nero related to Dante?

i wish they had have included destructible environments, i'd love to fight and have the envionments crumble around you as you take out the enemies :|
F*ck yes. The best fighting/action franchise ever is returning in the new year :D

I just hope they don't focus too heavily on this apparent love story and I hope that it's just as hard as DMC3 :)

I just love the fighting engine in DMC1/3. It's by far the most versatile system for SICK combos in any game like this I've seen.
Trailer was badass, but it still doesn't beat out the DMC3 trailer. The song in that was TOO good.

I'm also glad it's on 360, but if the game looks (vastly) superior on PS3 I might just drop the money for it. But only if there's a big difference.
ya that trailer definitely sold me the game :P
It almost sold me the game, except I've never played any DMCs! I might ahve to buy the first one and give it a shot.
Am I the only one who feels the love story seemed kinda cheesy / tacked on? Game looks epic though.
I guess I'd also think this was cool if I were twelve years old with a hard-on for mangas.
Looks cool. Never played a DMC title though, might have to dig one up.
Ugh... why do I have a feeling that there is going to be heavy romance involved in plot after watching the trailer?
It's on PC, so i might actually get it. I watched my friend play through the whole of the first game and there were a lot of big shiny swords and cool cutscenes. I like shiny stuff.

Sweet trailer as well.
Nice trailer

Although I better be able to play as dante right off the bat. Im not a fan of this nero kid :|