Do any of you know about Vampire: Bloodlines?


Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, I'm completely stoked about HL2 - it's going to be an awesome game, no question about it.

That said, the first Source Engine game I'm going to buy will be Vampire: Bloodlines. This game appears to be one of the most creative, and indeed best looking, RPGs that I've ever seen.

There's a Bloodlines forum at this very website, and it's kind of surprising to me that virtually nobody posts there.

I'm wondering if it's the case that people are too excited about HL2 to be posting about an RPG. Are any of you going to be checking out Bloodlines once you've finished with HL2? Do any of you know anything about Bloodlines?

I'm hoping that people will become interested in Bloodlines once HL2 has been released, because the people at Troika appear to have hit a home run with their new RPG.
No, I'm not really interested in Bloodlines. RPG's are too fun for me.
To start---the first source game you're going to buy will be Bloodlines? Does that mean you're not going to buy HL2? Cause that's definetely coming out before Bloodlines.

Actually just a few days ago I got re-interested in Bloodlines. Their recent press event in LA and the subsequent hands-on impressions got me psyched again. Hell, just the prospect of fellow Fallout developers working on an rpg makes me salivate.

I just hope the story is as open-ended as the gameplay, rather than just Deus Ex style (fairly linear story, non-linear gameplay). You know, like being able to bribe, fight, or sneak past a group of enemies barring your way, yet without being able to steer the outcome of plot points to a high degree (Baldur's Gate is a good example of non-linear plot choices).

It seems like most Bloodlines forum goers over at seem to agree the game will be open-ended in terms of obstacle-overcoming options yet not so much with the story. Which, you know what, if the game simply works in terms of fun gameplay I could care less. The more immersive the better. And from judging the combat system from the vids I've seen I'm pretty pumped (especially with seeing Source physics in there).
Hl2 comes out before bloodlines. I will be buying it but after hl2.
I saw the demos for Bloodlines and was quite impressed. Might get it if the reviews are good.

so far, the previews for the game (on the main page) indicate that it's pretty awesome...

im DEFINITELY looking forward to this game
yep looks cool. and to keep with the tradition of source engined games. there is no themed MP. woohoo!
I been looking forward to this game for a really long time. Hopefully it's as good as it looks.
I'm in it for the Source based chicks, and I'm not even close to joking :D
Eon Blue said:
I'm in it for the Source based chicks, and I'm not even close to joking :D

goth babes...oooooh momma... :bounce:
i am interested in Bloodlines for the story... but it will be interesting to see how well the source engine performs and looks in an fps-rpg element.

been always fasinated(sp?) by vampires :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Hl2 comes out before bloodlines. I will be buying it but after hl2.

For your information, Bloodlines comes out on the 16th...exact same day as HL2...
Yeah Bloodlines has been finished for ages, but a clause in the licensing of Source meant they have to wait for HL2 to be released.

I'm not sure about the date, but it will be very soon.
Actually, Bloodlines has not been finished for ages, and held up becauase of HL 2 going to be released first.

Although it is true that Bloodlines cannot be released prior to HL 2, Troika has said in recent interviews that Bloodlines is in the final testing phase.
Well they would say that wouldn't they. Can't very well just say that valve or vivendi ballsed up their release dates and then expect good support for expansions and stuff can they?

For what it's worth I will be buying bloodlines around the same time as hl2 if it is out.

Great games suck you in and you play them to death and get bored of them if you are not careful. I find owning two at once extends the life time of both.
It seems like most Bloodlines forum goers over at seem to agree the game will be open-ended in terms of obstacle-overcoming options yet not so much with the story. Which, you know what, if the game simply works in terms of fun gameplay I could care less.

On the contrary, from what I have heard you can in fact decide what clans you want to ally with later on in the game and that there are multiple endings.






Now I have to quit my job to play all of these shiny new gamesesses...
Yeah, Bloodlines looks pretty nifty. I'm excited about getting my hands on it.
Oh gosh, they've moved my thread over here into the Vampire section (I originally posted this thread in the Half Life 2 forum - I mean, if it wasn't obvious)... well, I suppose that people here must know about Vampire since they're actually posting in the Vampire forum! LOL!

Oh well, at least a few of those Half-Life 2 people seem excited about Vampire. At least they've heard about it!

I guess the reason for all of the inactivity here is due to the fact that the two games are being released so closely together. Man, it sure is a bit of a downer that more folks aren't passionate about this game. Wouldn't it be great if Vampire could generate, say, one tenth of the excitement that Half-Life 2 is generating.

I don't know - I kind of enjoy pre-game hype. I love that feeling you get just days before a game's release - when you just want to stay alive for a few more days because you would hate to get killed accidentally, and miss out on all the fun.
This game seems like another Deus Ex popularity drama. Its gonna be a sweet game but its not going to get the recognition it deserves. :borg:
amen to that spitfry this is written without relish
spitcodfry said:
To start---the first source game you're going to buy will be Bloodlines? Does that mean you're not going to buy HL2? Cause that's definetely coming out before Bloodlines.

Actually just a few days ago I got re-interested in Bloodlines. Their recent press event in LA and the subsequent hands-on impressions got me psyched again. Hell, just the prospect of fellow Fallout developers working on an rpg makes me salivate.

I just hope the story is as open-ended as the gameplay, rather than just Deus Ex style (fairly linear story, non-linear gameplay). You know, like being able to bribe, fight, or sneak past a group of enemies barring your way, yet without being able to steer the outcome of plot points to a high degree (Baldur's Gate is a good example of non-linear plot choices).

It seems like most Bloodlines forum goers over at seem to agree the game will be open-ended in terms of obstacle-overcoming options yet not so much with the story. Which, you know what, if the game simply works in terms of fun gameplay I could care less. The more immersive the better. And from judging the combat system from the vids I've seen I'm pretty pumped (especially with seeing Source physics in there).
u all with love bloodlines

:x beleave me u will all love bloodlines some maybe as mutch as hl2 ive been following bloodlines ever since it was 1st thought about and being a 1st person it will suck hl fans in not only because it will be a great game its the sheer fact that its made from source and that will shine through to the player in many ways i think it will grab u by your balls [or tits] as long as u don,t find the subject,s not up to your taste :stare:
From what I've seen, there is no shortage of leather in this game.

I will definetly be getting this game. Anybody here hope Troika also puts out a Werewolf: Apocalypse game?
Bicka said:
For your information, Bloodlines comes out on the 16th...exact same day as HL2...

i wouldn't believe that release date THB.
Valve and Trokia have an agreement stating HL2 must be released um.. unless Valve has decided to rip up that agreement (haven't heard that yet), then its safe to assume HL2 will be available first.