Do any of you roleplay?

Apr 25, 2004
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You know with the books... It seems to be a fairly popular trend going on with college kids.

Games like...

Call of Cuthulu

If so whats your favorite roleplaying game with your buddies?
of course I do. I've been playing dragonrealms, a text massively multiplayer game for almost half my life.

Roleplaying is awesome fun if you have a good group. I've never done any of the 'in person' roleplaying where i'm acting out my character while standing there in person.

I want to find a group to play some star wars pen & paper RPG though. :O
I've been playing the Discworld MUD and roleplaying fairly seriously for... hmmm. At least 2 years. It's an on-off thing. I love it.
I Want To Eat Your Braaaaaaaaaaaainssssss
I was hoping this would be cool kind of with sex and stuff.

"you've been a naughty girl, go to my room!"
I roleplay myself only with more wit
I've played a few epic D&D games.
And right now playing a version of the Star Wars d6 system moded for Gundam.

Also played:
DC Heroes
Only Roleplaying servers on WoW......

Don't hurt me!
Ive played the following in very short sessions (IE: we only play a few games before something happens and we have to quit)

7th Sea
Star Wars (dont remember which one, all I know is that I was a badass wookie with a vibro axe that diced people in two whenever I fought)

Shadowrun was my favorite though.
Currenly running a medieval fantasy GURPS campaign and participating in an EON (Swedish RPG system) capmaign. I also have plans for a science fiction campaign using GURPS (possibly Transhuman Space or Infinite Worlds, or maybe my own setting if I ever complete it :p ).

PnP roleplaying is my favorite hobby.
I was hoping this would be cool kind of with sex and stuff.

"you've been a naughty girl, go to my room!"

You and your friend need to stop playing that game. Or at least switch up the role of the girl once in a while!
Me and a Friend playing a joke on a random chat site.

I was laughing so much I couldnt spell properly.
On and off, never too seriously. Haven't done any pen-and-paper stuff, but I had friends in high school who did and it always intrigued me a little bit. Just seemed so damn confusing...

Been sorta wanting to get back into it a little, but not really sure what the right medium is (game, forum, MUD, IRC, etc etc)...
I... unregularly play:

d20 Modern (am running my own campaign atm)
and Travellers

For those who don't know what travellers is, it is (or can be) d20 based, and is set in a sort of... Firefly-esque era, although you can set it at anytime, from early space flight (such as, don't fire guns indoors unless you want to be sucked into a vacuum) to Star Trek type stuff and beyond... it's all in the rulebook.
I was hoping this would be cool kind of with sex and stuff.

"you've been a naughty girl, go to my room!"

Lmao, that's exactly what i thought when i saw the title !! Shame on me, bad Dave.

Uh... don't know what the heck it is.
I role-play before i go to bed sometimes.....but always end up needing to shower
Meh, Ill play on role-playing servers in NWN and WoW and such. I'm not really serious about it at all, just seems like a more relaxed enviroment when people have to put what they say in the context of the game.
Meh, Ill play on role-playing servers in NWN and WoW and such. I'm not really serious about it at all, just seems like a more relaxed enviroment when people have to put what they say in the context of the game.

not to mention its down right weird
I roleplay on runescape and hl2dm in the hometown 1999 map or any other rp maps. faverite is goobcity.
in RPG and not sexual play terms, I draw the line at dressing up to play DnD. Beyond that you really need to get a life.
Um im 14 im not gonna go get a job and house i really can;t get a life yet. and i only play at night when im done with school chores and other things. so no I don't need to get a life I have somewhat of one.
I've been playing Table-Top D&D for about a year now, although I haven't played in a good month or two. I don't really miss it to be honest, it was mainly my friends getting together once or twice a week, staying up all night, getting pizza, and roleplaying. It was fun, but it got REALLY tiring.
I'm going to a roleplay party where we are given personalities before the party and have to stick to them no matter how drunk we get.

I'm hoping for nudist or promiscuous stripper.

Also, me and my friends find something hilarious about the fact that my friend's older brother has all the stuff for D&D. We may have to play it one day.

And me and my girlfriend are well up for light bondage on New Year's Eve. Coming downstairs to celebrate the new year in a gimp mask could be the funniest thing ever...
What are the consequences if you don't stick with the personality?
RPGs and TableTop Roleplaying are two very different ballgames, my friend.

Yeah I know, and I go to school with some people who play both table top and on the computer and I can't stand them. They're complete nerds and social outcasts

Anyhow, on to the visuals.
I played 2nd edition ADND and 3rd edition dnd several years ago...
Back when I was younger, used to do Pen and Paper stuff. Also used to roleplay a bit in Ultima Online (namely because they had sensible systems to make people equal back in the old days).

It's good fun. Gave me the creativity to write fantasy.

-Angry Lawyer
Just started playing my first D&D campaign. It's fun as hell and slightly less geeky because we have girls playing. Slightly.
*Angry Lawyer pulls out Rod of Hot Love +5

That reminds me of a funny anecdote I read on the 'net once. Apparently, a group of players had a really long campaign, and one of the mages in the party was Chaotic Neutral. He'd reached the level in which you can design your own spells - and he created the ultimate spell - "Mass Nakedness". When cast, it'd cause the clothings of all people in 50 yards to suddenly fall off if they didn't pass a Magic Resist roll, or something. The rest of the players hated him for it, because he'd always use it at the most inconvenient moments, and having the entire bar lose their clothes / have your pantaloons drop when fighting a dragon was apparently a really strange thing to roleplay.

-Angry Lawyer