do NOT stick your finger in...


Jun 2, 2004
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wire sleeving like an idiot. it can get caught pretty bad, i had to rip apart like four inches worth of tubing to get it out. pulling would have teared my finger off. i, from this day on, fear sleeving.
I thought this was gonna be like a,
"100 things not to stick your finger in"
I coulda thought of a ton :).

Anyways glad your finger is there!
or in those car electric DC port things. I never have, but my girlfriend wants to and I tell her "NO You'll get electricuted". Now I don't know if she really will but...I wouldn't take the chance.
Assuming you mean the cigar lighter socket, I wouldn't recommend it. I mean, theres not much chance she will get a shock even if she did, and it is not likely to be fatal if she does (Although in theory it could be), if she does get a shock, its going to hurt like buggery.

And after using that expression (Hurt like buggery) for years, I have just stopped and read it and suddenly realise what I'm actually saying. Damn...
LOL this thread is damn funny! gweedodogg69, my sister stuck her finger in one of those DC ports and got a nasty surprise.. was pretty funny
when i was 5 i used to stick my finger in the VCR and everytime i would receive an electric shock. I didn't know it was an electric shock, all the while i thought i had pricked my finger against something really sharp, and I was curious about what it was, so i continued sticking my finger in and getting an electric shock each time.
JellyWorld said:
when i was 5 i used to stick my finger in the VCR and everytime i would receive an electric shock. I didn't know it was an electric shock, all the while i thought i had pricked my finger against something really sharp, and I was curious about what it was, so i continued sticking my finger in and getting an electric shock each time.

You are special... :D