wow..one thing that makes me extremely angry is a person who works in a customer service department and has either a very deep accent or can barely speak english. I was on the phone with this tech support guy and I had to have said what? about 100 times. I was so temped to just say "excuse me can i please speak to someone who knows ENGLISH" but i held it back and tried to decpyher what this guy with an arabic accent was saying. I hear about all these computer companys with A+ service...i would be happy if i could just understand the person.
that is my rant(or rave?) thank you.
EDIT: here is an idea computer companies...have a Spanish wing and English wing French and so on...that would solve much frustration.
that is my rant(or rave?) thank you.
EDIT: here is an idea computer companies...have a Spanish wing and English wing French and so on...that would solve much frustration.