do the enviromental problems hav some solutions?


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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the global heating and the water pollution stuff

there is people working on solutions,are there solutions, or we all an start to wait for the worst?

is cuz it really worries me,everytime I hear about it I feel bad
If mankind keeps on living like it does now, we're doomed.

This just in on the BBC:

'Only 50 years left' for sea fish

There will be virtually nothing left to fish from the seas by the middle of the century if current trends continue, according to a major scientific study.

Stocks have collapsed in nearly one-third of sea fisheries, and the rate of decline is accelerating.

Steve Palumbi, from Stanford University in California, one of the other scientists on the project, added: "Unless we fundamentally change the way we manage all the ocean species together, as working ecosystems, then this century is the last century of wild seafood."
And mine was relatively serious in reply to his post.

But seriously, this is about as serious as it's gonna get, asking a videogame forum about stopping global warming...
I was talking about the jokes,but meh I cant control the world

is just that this dont make me happy
Fish to go exctinct? Never heard of that. But alot of species out there will.

There are some countries notorious for harming the oceans ecosystem. Japan being a big one, especially since they also hunt endangered whales in the name of science.
ignorant people educated by the media seem to believe that humans are going to go extinct
Well it's highly likely one day that there won't be life on earth anymore, especially when the sun dies, and unless our technology is incredibly advanced, we will become extinct, all will.

Please people, this being a video game forum doesn't mean we can't have an informed thread on environmental issues, lets keep it to the point for RJMC.
there are solutions to any problem unfortunately this particular problem the price ranges from mega expensive to mega f***ing expensive and the solutions are just as varied.
Organisms inhabit a place. The area gets over populated. Species dies out. It happens all the time -- this time it's us. But it's not going to happen in my lifetime so who cares? Srsly.
except that never happens. Organisms inhabit a place, they grow exponentially until the are gets overpopulated. Species reach an equilibrium. Most extinctions are caused by meteorites, and humans taking their habitat... but mostly meteorites.
Meteorites... OR GOD LOL.

/instant religious thread.
I blame Americans and then china.

Americans are responcable for like 24% of all emmisions.
And that's just when they break wind!

Imagine when you take their other responçablities into account.
I don't get the fact that everyone thinks because CO2 levels are higher that Earth will become a raging fireball.
Cardon Dioxide levels were 4x higher during the Cretacous perioud, and things were fine then.
There are some countries notorious for harming the oceans ecosystem. Japan being a big one, especially since they also hunt endangered whales in the name of science.

However countries such as iceland have taken up commercial whaling again. (was on the news just reacently)

he just wants to give us a big warm hug?

An interesting theory, with one minor flaw. I don't think that you would class a holy fire to cleanse the planet a 'big warm hug'. :laugh:
I don't get the fact that everyone thinks because CO2 levels are higher that Earth will become a raging fireball.
I don't think anyone thinks that. Although with enough CO2 (probably much more than we have on Earth) it's possible... just look at Venus.

Cardon Dioxide levels were 4x higher during the Cretacous perioud, and things were fine then.

lol? The Earth was a lot different back then (and hotter). Almost all life as we know it has changed since then, barring a few exceptions. And the changes in Carbon in the atmosphere from those times until now has been gradual.

What burning fossil fuels does it release all of the Carbon from the past few hundred million years or so into the atmosphere, in a short space of time. Which is a huge discontinuity.
Giant hamster wheels to provide electricity. It will also combat obesity.

I personally blame poor Africans for releasing into the atmosphere all that smoke from bonfires they use for cooking.
I personally blame poor Africans for releasing into the atmosphere all that smoke from bonfires they use for cooking.

Oh yeah? Well I blame the poor developing countries for consuming large amounts of power for producing iPods which will be shipped over here.
Oh yeah? Well I blame the poor developing countries for consuming large amounts of power for producing iPods which will be shipped over here.

I personally blame those environmentalists. Do you know how much energy is consumed keeping them alive?