Do u believe in Ghosts and Aliens?

Do u believe in Ghosts and Aliens?

  • Yes i believe they both exist

    Votes: 22 28.6%
  • Only Ghosts

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Only Aliens

    Votes: 40 51.9%
  • Neither

    Votes: 13 16.9%

  • Total voters
YOu should add an "I'm not sure" for both.

I know aliens exist... they have to somewhere, but dont get me wrong... i dont think they're visiting us in "UFO's" and such. Just, with as immense as the universe is, other life forms, intelligent or not, have to exist.

Ghosts, I really don't know. Could be, maybe not, who knows?
not really, but i'm supersticious.. you should add i'm not sure.
Not ghosts but there has to be another intelligent life form in the universe.
I wouldn't be surprised if they find microbes or whatever on Io. But ghosts, no. Hell I don't know and don't really care. When I'm dead, I'll decide.
Just aliens... some people can sound awfully convincing talking about ghosts, though. :P
I know there are aliens out there, whats the chance that humans could be the only intelligent lifeform? I believe one day we will meet them. Not in a hostile matter, not ones from planet Zargon that are here to anal probe us. But in a peaceful matter, the purpose to help each other.

Ghosts, nope don't believe in them at all. They've actually found out that theres this certain sound that makes people freak out and have weird stuff occur to them(Get the chills real quickly,then get hot, then have a major headache), many old houses where ghosts were thought to be had cathedral like pianos that could easily make the sound. I'll try to find a link on it.
Well if you believe in Ghosts, you might as well go with the Zombie package
Yep on the aliens, and not the typical ghost stuf, but I said yes to both.
To deny aliens exist is stupid, as we are aliens to anything else in the universe... and since we exist, in an infinite universe it would be illogical to deny life occuring elsewhere.

Ghosts I do believe in also, but more as 'lost souls' - things which can be explained by science but just not yet. I'm not that religious but I do believe these souls do have a better place to go to, but for some reason they don't believe they are dead (or they don't want to believe it) so they hang around.

Try astral projection to convince yourself that the mind and the body are two seperate entities... I tried it myself a while back and was pretty convinced at the result. It helped me learn a lot about death and the state of the mind when seperated from the body. Interesting stuff.
Google 'astral projection' for tutorials :)
I don't really believe in either. Ghosts are great in fiction, but there is no proof of their existence whatsoever. I mean come on, the most hardcore evidence I've heard is a shadowy orb that appeared in a picture taken during a family party. Everyone jumps to "ghost" right off the bat, when there are a hundred much more logical ways that anomaly could have shown up on film .Everything else is based off the stories of other people, and in my experience, that is not the most reliable source of hard evidence.

Aliens probably do exist at some level. It makes sense that another form of intelligence would exist somewhere in our own universe. However, I've never been presented with any direct evidence, so while I acknowledge the fact that statistically their existence makes sense, I won't believe it until we get some hardcore proof.

Both topics are fun to talk about. In the end though, I can't really say I have firm, set beliefs in either. For ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, I'd need to see for myself before coming to any hard conclusions. As far as aliens are concerned, I need some sort of proof beyond statistics to say I can believe in them.
Dedatorv said:
I know there are aliens out there, whats the chance that humans could be the only intelligent lifeform? I believe one day we will meet them. Not in a hostile matter, not ones from planet Zargon that are here to anal probe us.

what if we wanted to be probed ;)

there's life out in space and it's abundant ...too bad the chances of meeting another race is next to nil considering the distances to even the closest star

dont believe in ghosts
I simply believe that the universe is a far weirder place than anyone gives it credit for.
i believe in both to an extent...

Ghosts - i'm really on the fence with this one. I'm not the religious type, but i also think that when we die we go 'somewhere.' And the ghosts are the ones idling around, not being able to find their way to that somewhere.

And aliens - they could easily exist. keep in mind i consider bacteria on another planet alien. So, if the universe is pretty much infinite, then the chances of another planet somewhere off in space being able to sustain some kinda life is pretty much 99.9% probable in my mind.
I believe in both. Ghosts definately because there have been some weird ass things that have happened to relatives of mine...usually when another family member was about to die. But, I bet scientists would come up with some sort of explanation for it all and how its just some strange happening inside your brain or whatever, but you know, maybe that's just how it's done and they're not created by some unknown supernatural method.

As for aliens, there's alot of evidence showing that they do exist, such as the sightings in mexico city where millions of people saw an unknown object in the sky. Plus, my father's friend claims he saw a UFO once, although he may have been drunk at the time...
:cheers: Yes, I believe in magic. Ghosts, I don't really believe in, I mean there's like been kajillion things living on this earth and how many encounters do people have with ghosts? It's hard to believe, but damn some of the stuff I have seen makes me want to believe. Aliens, there has to be... we can't possibly be the only things in the entire universe can we? I am not saying that there's super tech beings that can travel to point here to there in half of a second. There could be though, but there atleast have to be lifeforms that are microscopic. If we are the most advanced species in the universe then so be it, just means we are just at the beginning of things.
There is an alien living across the street from me. His name is Jacques.. I think he is from France. So yeah, I believe in aliens. :D

As for extra-terrestrials.. why not? It's a big universe out there.

Ghosts... no way.
Ghosts Yes, Ive had personal Experiences, and group experiences. (im not really religous i got my own sorta belief going)

Aliens- yes and no
Aliens > ghosts.

Besides when's the last you saw a cool ghost movie? thought so.
A weird fact: women beleive in ghosts a lot more than men. Men beleive in aliens a lot more than women. I'm a man.
Yep, them both.

This universe is so huge there's no doubt there's life on a planet somewhere else.

Ghosts/spirits/entities exist aswell, however on another plane than us (esoteric/astral) and can't harm us mentally or physically in any way.
For me ghosts go right along with all the other mythical creatures like fairies, gnomes, big foot, the lochness monster, UFO's, etc etc. I mean, sure there's a remote possibility that there are some weird things out there, but I don't see why anyone would actually believe in them, with the small amount of inconsistent evidence that exists. In my opinion people are too willing to believe anything that strikes their fancy. I mean, out of six billion people on this planet you'd think someone could show some incontrovertible evidence of "ghosts" or whatnot if they had any basis in reality. Until that time there nothing more than a nifty plot device in horror movies.

Aliens on the other hand could very well exist. Statistically it would seem probable that there is life elsewhere in the universe. However, the universe is so large and so old that I wouldn't be surprised at all if our species never meets them.
CrazyHarij said:
Ghosts/spirits/entities exist aswell, however on another plane than us (esoteric/astral) and can't harm us mentally or physically in any way.

You mean you think they exist, because they don't :hmph:
Hmm... a simple no to the alien thing... but as for the ghosts, its a more complicated answer.

I believe ghosts don't exist, however, I do believe that demon's exist that manifest themselves into things purposefully that could resemble our perception of what ghosts would be. Hehe.
Alien: Yes the exist, but they havn't visted us and never will.
Ghosts: Are you serius? Of course not.
I do think some people here need to get out more, and see some of the stranger stuff of the world. :D
WAIT i've figured it out, ghosts are actually aliens. Just in most cases the aliens didn't abduct the person they just snooped around to see how humans live, flushing toilets, turning on sinks, flicking lights on and off. It all makes sense now.
/me steps out of the shadows

I am an alien.

/me steps back into the shadows
Vulcans pwn humans. Ghosts are vulcan webcams disguised to mislead researchers muhahhahah.

As of now though we just put nan-sensors in ur human air so we can keep tabs on the entire planet. You all are being tracked and kept on tabs and u dont even know it. Muahahah Best part is that ur body keeps them alive with ur red blood cells oxygen. :D
I do believe in ghosts and aliens. I also believe that some aliens do have interstellar travel.
The statistical likelihood pretty much means aliens exist, or will do, eventually. Ghosts, I think not, but sometimes, it's a nice thought.

If they don't find microbes on that moon, they should put some there. If anything, it'd be a fantastic experiment in evolution.
that filming is very shit,but still.very wierd
I believe in both, however I believe in the Cause and Effect scenario
What has caused them to manifest or appear different from us?
What is the effect on the surrounded flora and fauna upon contact of these beings?

For example greys had to be effected on an evolutionary scale to have them appear like they are (doesn't necessarily mean I beleive in greys)
Tinneth said:

Kinda weird

Video does show some things convincing but very odd how you see the UFO right next to a building then I assume as it moves closer and he moves the camera the FPS just drops to one and then it just shows a trail of smoke then a little black dot that dissapears.
I've just been thinking. What if ghosts are an alien lifeform. But from an alternative dimension, like in halflife, ohh wait?
i vote only aliens. Ghosts are probally untrue, and if they do exist they are either eith you everywhere but you cant see them (as the world is overcrowded) or theyre are hardly any.

aliens however, i belive exist in some corner of the universe. its so damn big there must be one planet like ours... somewhere...