Do u look up to celebrities?


Sep 16, 2003
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i find too many celebrities are used as role models. I for one cant stand them. Lets see, their marriages never work out because they're both so focused and in love with themselves they cant take being around another person like them. Also, people flocking after them like they're something special, they're honestly nothing but overpaid artsy fartsy folk with low IQ that couldn't find the intelligence to do something productive. I enjoy movies, but the amounts they make is just a ridiculous sum. And then theres the celebrities who will bitch about how lifes tough because people wont leave them alone. Hell, give me the money and the fans and maybe, just maybe, i'll manage to shrug it off and drag on my harsh life with the big cars and homes. Anyways, just felt like ranting, i usually do :D


They dont do anything but pretend to be someone else. They havent worked I hard day in there life.
There are some authors and film makers that I respect highly... I haven't any interest in their personal life though.
There is no reason to look up to celebrities. They are just people, high profile people. People to look up to should come from people you actually know.

One way to avoid knowing about them, things like their marriages, their attacks on photographers, duis etc. is to not watch awful shows like entertainment tonight, dont look at the rag mags in the supermarket.

One thing for you coolio, how can you say they dont work hard, do you know how long they work on movies? Usually 3 months at a time, and during that three months they might work 12 to 16 hours a day. To me their work seems monotonous as hell.
Depends on what you mean by "Celebrity".

I, for one, look up to Terry Pratchett, Rove McManus, and all eight Doctor Whos. Among others.

I absolutely loathe the shallow and pretentious ones, though.
Anyone that's just used their looks to get to where they are, **** no.

Anyone that's deemed a 'celebrity' because of the amount of hard work they've put in to get there, then sure... if they make an effort, that's surely something to look up to.
they are the apitomy of the Human race , surrounded in self importance, politicians and some scientists aswell.,, (lets break all the camera's and see how they would survive then!) Terry Pratchett is a great Author, :)
I dont think people are that obcessed actually i think its just the media putting on crappy programs like "im a celebrity get me out of here", so you just cant avoid them... argh they annoy me so much
Nah Tony, there are people out there that are crazy about B2k and some other crap. Like 12 years old black girls, or what about Brittney fans? Yeah..

As for me, I don't, not anymore at least.
Oh, yeah, I also look up to certain celebs like Michael Jordan... 'cos they're taller than me...

only celebrates I look up to are the ones over 6 foot 4. :D

(As a person though, none)
i do admire a few actors, but in my eyes they're decent people as well as talented at what they do. some i admire for the characters they play, some for generally being down to earth sort of people instead of snobby spoilt little brats. i like Patrick (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf from LOTR), Peter Sellers (Dr. Strangelove)..there must be a couple more i'm forgetting. but for the most part, actors, 'singers', musicians and general celebs are complete wankers.
Some are worthy, most aren't.

I don't look up to any of them because the majority are overpaid, ie Cameron Diaz, who was the highest paid actress last year or something. Yeah, she is such an incredible actress, those Charlie Angels movies are ones to be remembered for their extrordinary acting.

These are people that have to pretend to be someone else in order to get paid. That's saying that as their actual selves they aren't worth shit.

We should pay them in imaginary money since they pretend to be (at most times) imaginary people.
lol, great Idea give them the money from the Monopoly sets :)
Anyone who sees up to a celebrity and dresses like they do should be put in some dank cell somewhere for being so stupid