Do we use 10% of our brain?

What percentage of our brain do we use?

  • 10 percent

    Votes: 23 42.6%
  • 100 percent

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • The brain cannot be measured

    Votes: 13 24.1%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I have a CRAZY friend that says that we use 10% of our brain. Is he CRAZY? I think we use 100% of our brain. We were in this argument, and came up inconclusive. What do you think? BTW: I know you're reading this...JAVIER!
its a proven fact that we 7 to 10 percent of our brain.
We may only use 10% at any given time, but we use ALL of our brains.
well if your buddhist then you know that
through proper meditation you can use
more of your brain. thats pretty much what
Ki is...learning to operate parts of your brain
that can manipulate KI energy. thats pretty
much what buddhists do when they meditate
and use Ki.

how much Ki you can use depends on how much
of yur brain you use when you power up. i am
teachingmy friend Ki and he is not bad for a
beginner but he can do Yellow Flaming Sword
pretty well. that should give you some idea of how
long it takes to get good at it. in about a year u
r good enough to do Freezing Blue Orb which is
a really cool technique but you have to be good.
i meditate every day so i am almost a master now
and can do a lot of techniques.
Personally I think we use 10% of our brain when we're thinking and such and other 90% is all subconcious information.
Originally posted by Alzxul
Personally I think we use 10% of our brain when we're thinking and such and other 90% is all subconcious information.

Thats basically it. Our subconcious brain is the main part. Its the thing keeping eveything going, its also what generates sentences as we speak. When you read a question for instance, you may not know the answer to it straight away, so you work on the next one or something else, then suddenly it will come to you. Its your brain setting aside some of its power subconsiously. Its all rather theoretical to be honest, but still interesting stuff.
I think it's just a fun number that shocks people and makes them go "hmm, wow, just think what we could do" so it is popularly circulated. We know incredibly little about how the brain works, and for the most part it's just a theory. Sort of like how we used to think there were over 100 vestidual (useless) parts in a human only 100 years ago. It was proven fact that most of our bodies had evolved past using most of what we had.

It's funny to consider everything that has been "proven fact" in history.
me , i meditate while playing cs, and i have been playing cs everyday for last two months, now i'm a master in cs. I play in about 5 servers, and I hold the top 1-5 position(the ranking changes almost every hour, but when i'm there, no one can beat my score) in 3 of them.

here's my profile:
Doctor in awp;
Doctor in scout;
Doctor in g3sg1;
Doctor in ak;
Doctor in sg552;
Doctor in m4;
Doctor in deagle;
Master in sg550;
Master in aug;
Master in usp;
Master in galil;
Bachelor in famas;
Bachelor in shield;
Bachelor in knife;
Bachelor in nades;
Bachelor in m3;
Bachelor in mp5;
Bachelor in glock;

I never used other weapons than those in the list above. In situation, i have glock, i tend to use knife instead.
i bet that if somehow you were able to use all 100% of your brain at once you would short circuit and shoot out energy from your body.
Originally posted by coolvoodoo
me , i meditate while playing cs, and i have been playing cs everyday for last two months, now i'm a master in cs. I play in about 5 servers, and I hold the top 1-5 position(the ranking changes almost every hour, but when i'm there, no one can beat my score) in 3 of them.

here's my profile:
Doctor in awp;
Doctor in scout;
Doctor in g3sg1;
Doctor in ak;
Doctor in sg552;
Doctor in m4;
Doctor in deagle;
Master in sg550;
Master in aug;
Master in usp;
Master in galil;
Bachelor in famas;
Bachelor in shield;
Bachelor in knife;
Bachelor in nades;
Bachelor in m3;
Bachelor in mp5;
Bachelor in glock;

I never used other weapons than those in the list above. In situation, i have glock, i tend to use knife instead.

wow never ever post anything again.
Originally posted by Letters
We may only use 10% at any given time, but we use ALL of our brains.

Even that is BS. We use all of our brains, all of the time. Sometimes, we use some of our brains more (those bright spots on an EEG or fMRI) than other parts, but no part of your brain is ever "idle".
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
well if your buddhist then you know that
through proper meditation you can use
more of your brain. thats pretty much what
Ki is...learning to operate parts of your brain
that can manipulate KI energy. thats pretty
much what buddhists do when they meditate
and use Ki.

how much Ki you can use depends on how much
of yur brain you use when you power up. i am
teachingmy friend Ki and he is not bad for a
beginner but he can do Yellow Flaming Sword
pretty well. that should give you some idea of how
long it takes to get good at it. in about a year u
r good enough to do Freezing Blue Orb which is
a really cool technique but you have to be good.
i meditate every day so i am almost a master now
and can do a lot of techniques.

If thats true then how come your incapable of working out why a guy is on top of a car firing at manhacks in a game?
I am a fukin idiot, i must only use 4-5%
People with ADD are a lot faster than people without it, they just can't focus as well, they must be useing 10-12%
Originally posted by Fenric1138
If thats true then how come your incapable of working out why a guy is on top of a car firing at manhacks in a game?

i don't think he's being serious :p
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
neutrino you obviously dont meditate.

Actually I have in the past. It's just I tend to believe in this little these little things called facts and science.:)
Originally posted by Ridic
wow never ever post anything again.

it's mean to tell people to shut up in a forum, but i don't decide to shout at u....
ADD folks just use different parts differently they're essentially overclocked in some places and underclocked in others. That Ki stuff is just silly. We use about 10% of our brain at any one instant, and the brainy bits in use move about like a lava lamp, depending on what we're thinking about. Wait - wait, I'm going to meditate. ooh! ooh! I feel the power! (despite the fact that I am under no external stimulus, I am learning vast new things and using much more of my brain!) I know I am using more of my brain, because I can feel it. I take it all back. With daily exercise, I should be able to use higher percentages of my brain - that'll show those poncy neighbors, won't it?

Pardon my exit - I must now go buy larger hats.
fenric the guy has no reason one so ever
for being on top of that car. they only put
him up there to make the pic look better...
but anyone with a mind to question why he
is on the car knows its stupid. he doesnt
have a better shot by being up there cos
the flying things are up in the air and the roof
he is under is blocking his shot. by being up
higher he is actualy ruining his shot at the flyers.
its simple geometry.

and yes i practice Ki whats so unbelievable about
that? many people have been using Ki for thousands
of years. dragonball z didnt invent it u know.
If we used silicon rather than brain tissue grey matter stuff, we would be able to do things within mili-seconds ranther than seconds. Like the matrix bullet time, but if u think about it, if we where constatly that fast, our feet would crush holes into pavement, going for a swim would be weird because the waves would just stay still to us. A day would last a week to us etc etc.
The fact that the 10 percent option is winning disturbs me.
teh fact that we went from horse and buggy to silicon super computers and pushbutton warfare/Hydrogen bombs disturbs me more.

Its the aliens and the government and Ghosts and Satan all in one.
My gran had brain surgery and they removed a large chunk of her brain. She and everyone around her claims there is no difference, and thousands of other cases back this up....

Discuss, because i don't know what to believe
There have been cases where people have been born with with nothing more than a layer of brain tisue on the inside of the skull.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
/me rips open S1ddharthA's head and eats his brain.

You should have mixed it with water...he's been meditating and turned his brain into concentrate *Drum roll and a symbol crash*

There is nothing "un-scientific" about meditation. Its becoming more and more well known that the brain has truly awsome power, we have barely tapped into it. Meditation is simply a way of focusing that power in a way we can comprehend. For instance, just thinking about lifting weights has been shown to increase muscle tone. That is actually an experiment performed under all the proper was even on the Discovery Channel :) They are notorious for trying to prove all things "religious" (for want of a better word) wrong.
i dont believe its fact that we only use less than 10% of our brain. this idea came from someone who thinks they use less than 10% of their brain. think about it
We use 100% of our brain but not all at the same time. We may only use about 10% at a give time while the other 90% may be idle. If you've taken even the most basic course in Psychology then you know that each part of the brain performs different tasks and not all 100% of it is used for thinking. I'll try to link you to a web site that breaks down these sections and explains what they do. Only an idiot would think we only use 10% of our brains.
Originally posted by Pressure
We use 100% of our brain but not all at the same time. We may only use about 10% at a give time while the other 90% may be idle. If you've taken even the most basic course in Psychology then you know that each part of the brain performs different tasks and not all 100% of it is used for thinking. I'll try to link you to a web site that breaks down these sections and explains what they do. Only an idiot would think we only use 10% of our brains.

He's pretty much summed up this entire thread in that post except for his insult at the end. Many people believe in telepathy, etc, etc thus the mistaken quote of Einsteins work would of been used to help support this.

So no, some very intelligent people could of made the mistake.
I ve been told that normal poeple use only 10% while genius Men or women use 25% of their brain
I figure you rarely use 100% of your brain ALL AT ONCE..
Maybe only 10% at a time and by doing sth else you use different areas of your brain. Why should the body build and produce somthing it doesn't need. Nature rarely lets something go to waste..
I remember hearing about somthing where they had to take out half of this little girls brain. But they knew it would be ok because when they take out that much brain at that young an age, the free space just fills up with liquid and somehow she could function like normal.
I only remember hearing about this, so.....memory could be fuzzy.......................stupid brain............