Do you consider yourself a leet haxor?
Ahaha, the way she said it. Bahahah, rofl.
I chuckle at her :D
oh, man, some of the ads on there did not look appetizing...
Now that I think about it, we're assuming she's not much of a hacker or "leet" for that matter by this clip. What does this do for the credibility of that show? That was certainly funny, but does anyone know if she had any real "skillz"? It would be ironic if she, I don't know, hacked into the teleprompter using only the ten-key while holding a conversation with the interviewer and made him say something wrong? Found out his address, social security number, and ATM PIN while on the air? Her actions may speak louder than her words.
This has officially turned into the "Lets reminence about TechTV" thread.
the new call for help is pretty cool. too bad its shown in the goddamned morning >_<
Even though this clip is as old as the internet.....

It's still funny.
I'm not a leet haxx0r, but people think I am :o
DarkStar said:
Even though this clip is as old as the internet.....

It's still funny.

OMG, knowing and stating it was old makes your e-penis longer!

I know someone already said this but your quote button was closer :P