Do You download music?

Do You download illegal music?

  • Yes... And a Lot of it!

    Votes: 34 52.3%
  • Yes... A little...

    Votes: 24 36.9%
  • Nope... Never...

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • I like soup?

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Well.. Do You? Or do You actually pay for it?

I do, I own two CDs I've actually bought: Nirvana - Unplugged in New York, Nirvana - Nirvana... And I've downloaded Shit lots of music...
i ''acquire'' the odd single but i buy albums in hmv etc...
No, I'm an upstanding citizen and believe in obeying the law.
I have 3gb folder with downloaded / legit songs in it, But I have bought several albums due to this... It's a good way to sample albums before you buy them :D
Heh, bet this thread turns into bragging.

And yes, 2Gb, but I've stopped now until I get a new harddrive or something. Might not start again, depends on how badly I want to listen to something, I don't download on a whim.
I'm the only one who voted no :(.


PS: It's only because I can't find the stuff I like :p.
at least in the future, programs are going to start charging for every song you download. :(
I download lots of songs, mainly for two reasons.

1) I want to hear more from a particular artist. If I really like them, then I go and buy their albums. If not, they usually don't stay on my HD for long any way.

2) The occasional odd single or cool party song. I like the song enough to download it, but I don't care for the rest of the artist's work.
I download a little. I like to own CDs, because I prefer the feeling of tangible possession.

Having said that - I don't see why anyone figures they have a right to earn money from music. *GASP!* what a communist, eh? No - music quality is subjective. How can you say that a CD's musical worth translates directly into £14 monetary worth for EVERYONE who will ever listen to it? Even if you take it that you are paying for the materials that went into making a CD, then surely you should be able to download the music perfectly legally and for free, since there is no materials cost involved in order to get that music to my ear. Studio costs, profits BLAH BLAH ****ing balls - you should not be forced to pay for these things just on the off chance you will attribute creative quality to the music.

Much music is just cack (out the window with subjectivity...) and is lowest common denominator stuff designed to make the most money possible, with the least creativity/inspiration/passion possible. We all know this, yet this music sits happily in stores beside the CDs of our favourite bands, demanding just as much of your money if not more, and usually damn well MAKING much more money for the fatcat corporations by whom it was manufactured (in every sense of the word).

If I was a poet, I wouldn't scream "I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING!!" and punch people in the face and force money out of them every time they read one of my poems. Let's make no mistake - the decision to regard music as an 'industry' rather than an 'art' was an arbitrary one taken at some point by mankind, and that decision has been an enemy of musical quality and innovation.

When I pay for CDs it's because I want bands to have my money, because I appreciate their music and want to thank them. Not because some shitface in an office is staring at a profits graph and wringing his hands because they only made £100billion this year instead of £105billion, and now what can we do to make sure those evil scamps can't get to hear music for free?! I'll download as much as I want (which is a moderate amount), I owe it to myself and the artists who move me to find out who they are and give the money to the people who have earned it in my eyes.

/preach off
used to download a little - now i "acquire" some cds from friends or i will use iTunes
KagePrototype said:
You do know about iTunes, right? :p

I do... aber... You can't use the shop part of it in Denmark... (Not that I would use it if we could.. but still)

I download a little. I like to own CDs, because I prefer the feeling of tangible possession.

Having said that - I don't see why anyone figures they have a right to earn money from music. *GASP!* what a communist, eh? No - music quality is subjective. How can you say that a CD's musical worth translates directly into £14 monetary worth for EVERYONE who will ever listen to it? Even if you take it that you are paying for the materials that went into making a CD, then surely you should be able to download the music perfectly legally and for free, since there is no materials cost involved in order to get that music to my ear. Studio costs, profits BLAH BLAH ****ing balls - you should not be forced to pay for these things just on the off chance you will attribute creative quality to the music.

Much music is just cack (out the window with subjectivity...) and is lowest common denominator stuff designed to make the most money possible, with the least creativity/inspiration/passion possible. We all know this, yet this music sits happily in stores beside the CDs of our favourite bands, demanding just as much of your money if not more, and usually damn well MAKING much more money for the fatcat corporations by whom it was manufactured (in every sense of the word).

If I was a poet, I wouldn't scream "I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING!!" and punch people in the face and force money out of them every time they read one of my poems. Let's make no mistake - the decision to regard music as an 'industry' rather than an 'art' was an arbitrary one taken at some point by mankind, and that decision has been an enemy of musical quality and innovation.

When I pay for CDs it's because I want bands to have my money, because I appreciate their music and want to thank them. Not because some shitface in an office is staring at a profits graph and wringing his hands because they only made £100billion this year instead of £105billion, and now what can we do to make sure those evil scamps can't get to hear music for free?! I'll download as much as I want (which is a moderate amount), I owe it to myself and the artists who move me to find out who they are and give the money to the people who have earned it in my eyes.

/preach off

I Agree. I'm just too lazy to write it.. Can't you mail it to the President? Or Something else perhaps?

EDIT: Who voted I like soup?
Is there something wrong with soup?!
I use to but now I strictly buy albums. Sound quality is better.
Pff, no. Jeez, who downloads music these days?
[SARCASM]Yes, lots... <3 Limewire.[/SARCASM]
Q_onfused said:
Pff, no. Jeez, who downloads music these days?
[SARCASM]Yes, lots... <3 Limewire.[/SARCASM]

Get on msn. kthx.

Heh, you know my whole PC deal... well I got it back up again.


Q_onfused said:

Heh, you know my whole PC deal... well I got it back up again.




Oh btw, I got xfire's ingame chatting working now! :D
Turns out, it wasn't compatible with the skin I was using :p
I get my music from - It's legal too (thanks to our russian friends' law).
Yes I illegally download music using Limewire. I have a 300mb folder of selected singles that I find good to listen to.
Limewire Rules... Especially when You've got an illegally downloaded pro :upstare:
One album with 15-20 songs costs abour $30 here, so downloading is the only choise for most people.
I buy CDs and also download music. I own about a hundred CDs, but I have several gigs of downloaded music in addition to that.
Look at the results, so far! 50% a lot, 38% a little, 8% no... and then 4% like soup... lol... Not many law-obeyers....
I used to, but don't any more. I tend to buy multiple CD's on a whim. I have music binges.
I used to dl tons. I don't so much now...and I'm even starting to buy CD's. I would buy my dl's from some place, but I don't have a credit card. Sigh.
i download a whole bunch of songs. i usually like one song but dont want to go out and buy it because that would mean i have to leave the house...
I haven't paid for music in like 3 years. So, yes, I download music.
yes i do download music but since i am in canada it is perfectly legal
I download a bit of music. Mostly singles, other times I'll download nine or ten songs by the same artist just for the heck of it. Usually if I like the music, I'll go and buy the CD.