Do you dream in silence? Dream thread #4270

How do you dream?

  • I dream in silent black and white

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dream in colors with sounds

    Votes: 46 68.7%
  • I dream in black and white with sound

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I dream in silent color

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • I don't dream

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dream of electric sheep

    Votes: 9 13.4%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Do your dreams have sound or are they silent? It just occured to me the other day that I never hear anything in any of my dreams. Also, black and white options to make the thread more interesting.
My dreams are not silent. There is very often talking going on.
If there is sound, it's usually coming from outside my room and I think that it's something else going on my dream.

A lot of the time my alarm clock beeping will turn into someone talking in a dream, speaking in short 4-word bursts.
i dream with much sound and brilliant colors and shapes.

Also, anytime I see a person's face in my dreams, they are never constant they constantly change rapidly, yet I remember who they represent.

EDIT; oh yeah, my alarm clock does that often too. It'll usually be some random alarm that starts going off and I need to run somewhere.
i can't remember a black and white dream but i woken up after a dream and didn't see colors for over 5 minutes. it was a weird feeling and i thought i lost the use of color in my eyes
I don't recall ever having a dream without colour...
i have restless dreams. usually when i dream i wake up out of breath or my bed in a complete mess.
I see and hear in my dreams, and I sleep talk - but I've never sleepwalked.

Best moment to date, was sleeping with my missus of the time - said in a clear voice "Honey, the Staff need to get through." Then I pushed her off the bed.
The only dreams I ever remember are either silent, or just have this ominous pulsating hum like some sort of massive machine is running. I think that only happens when I go to sleep with a headache though.

EDIT: Hahah, Sloth thats hilarious. My friend was telling me once that he dreamt that he was in a fight with someone, and he ended up slamming his fist down on his girlfriends nose.
There is rarely any talking. Just a lot of sound from the environment and vocal noise coming from people displaying frustration or happiness.
I dream exclusively in 8-bit with mono cpu beep sounds. It's more exciting than you'd think.
Color and sound I assume. I hear people talking and hear gunshots and stuff, so I assume there's sound in my dreams.

Just had a dream where I was in a gunfight, one of the bad guys was Joe Pesci for a reason I have no ****ing idea. Haven't seen a film with Joe Pesci in a good while.

I could not fire my ****ing gun no matter how hard I tried. Don't you hate dreams like that?
Also, anytime I see a person's face in my dreams, they are never constant they constantly change rapidly, yet I remember who they represent.


I dream in silent colour, there is sound of a fashion, I can "hear" and I know what folk are saying but its not really proper sound like we know it.

Just had a dream where I was in a gunfight, one of the bad guys was Joe Pesci for a reason I have no ****ing idea. Haven't seen a film with Joe Pesci in a good while.

My last dream was me with other people in a special forces unit, the gear the works. We are running through these tunnels trying to escape something not far behind.

We come to this open room kinda like that big one in Daylight (with Stallone) but its more medieval Italian and bright and there is a ladder up to the surface.

I get up and climb out into a green grassy verdant rolling land with trees and its very green and alive.

Just as the other guys are climbing out I look to a low grassy hill and behold the horror cresting it....the enemy has found us, the swarm.


We try to run but they are too fast and I am throwing them off me as they jump up at me, they are swarming round my legs and I am scared shitless because for all my hardware and special forces know-how I cant fight back because they are just kids!.

I run for my life while they keep jumping at me, and I get dragged down and just as I am about to reach the horrible conclusion I wake up.

It wasn't very amusing at the time but thinking back on it now I have to give my sub-concious credit for its humour.
wouldn't it suck if you were color blind and deaf and it were the same while you were asleep?
I think it would be worse for disabled people if they had a dream where they weren't disabled and could do everything that non-disabled people can do and they wake up and find it was all a dream and they are still disabled.

Anyway, as for me, my dreams are always in colour and there is always sound. I sleepwalk a sometimes too. Not sure if this would be the right thread to elaborate on that, though.
Hey cool, I'm the first one to vote "I dream in black and white with sound." There's probably colour in there, but ever since I heard the myth that we only dream in black & white that's the only way I can ever remember them. Kind of weird...

Apparently I woke up with a start this morning and started mumbling about spiders. I've been dreaming about spiders a lot lately. :(
I though everyone's dreams were in colour and with sound (except the colour blind and deaf.
I need to find a blind person and ask them if they dream. I suppose it would just be sound.
I need to find a blind person and ask them if they dream. I suppose it would just be sound.
It is if they were blind from birth. If they lost their sight during their life they still dream in pictures.
You reused the only original part of it.

And I believe I said "electric sheep".
I know I dream with sounds because I wake up trying to remember a melody I had been "playing" on an instrument, mainly the piano.
I read somewhere that old people that watched black-and-white TV are more likely to see black-and-white dreams.
I just dreamed that I dove into a lake filled with piranhas and saved President Obama and First Lady Obama after their bus fell from a bridge that collapsed over the lake, which appeared to be in a jungle setting. I was a hero. After thanking me profusely, the Obamas, my girlfriend, and I started venturing through the nearby snow-covered mountains, escaping an avalanche after Gimli the dwarf came out of nowhere and started yelling crap. We then climb to a plateau, where millions of birds started going crazy and we ran about as fast as Gordon's HEV sprint function. We then reach a tremendous cliff, and all of a sudden we are in the desert. I wake up.

edit: it was in color.