Do you drink?

Do you drink?

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Fat Tony!

Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
Do you drink and why?

I personally dont drink since the positives are:

you have more fun then usual and dont think twice about things that dont need to be worried about.

  • your liver gets damaged
  • hangovers/ being sick
  • You always do something you regret

Clearly negatives outweigh the positives.
yeah...i like to remember when i get laid...
im a 16 yr old drunkard :/

however i drink socially not to get drunk now beacuse a entire boittle of vodka to ones self apart from being sad is a big mistake
I drink a few beers every now and then, and party about once a month. Nothing more than that :)
I drink when i'm out with the fellas.

I've done lots of things while i've been drunk, and i dont regret anything.
My hangovers arnt as bad as most people get them, well what can i say. I'm a healthy man ;)
yes going out drinking in about 2 hours..old enough for it too ;)
I've never done anything I've regret, and I've never forgotten anything from drinking.

Though, I did once fall alseep in Manchester and someone stole my hat. ;( (Those were seperated by the way)

I don't always drink, and it doesn't always make things more fun. But its just a variation which can keep things interesting. So one night you don't drink, then the next time you get together you will drink. Its a different exprience.
SHIPPI said:
I'm not a big drinker at all.. I do from time to time, but I've never been drunk :p
I should hope not too at your age young lady :p
SHIPPI said:
I'm not a big drinker at all.. I do from time to time, but I've never been drunk :p

I'd didn't even know what alcohol was when I was a 15 year old girl :O
I'm 16 years old and not really a big drinker(yes in The Netherlands 16 is the legit age for drinking).. but i drink when i'm going out with friends or at parties.. but in the normal schooldays I drink like 1 beer in 2 weeks... so i'm not really TEH alcoholic :p

although I don't mind getting completly drunk once in a while :angel:
Well, I've seen Fat Tony drunk, and trust me, it's ****ing funny.

No-where near as funny as me on the pull though.. apparently it's a sight to been seen :p

Yeah I drink, but I don't get wasted, I just drink socially :)
Very rarely, I usally throws up after just a little sip. Besides I do't want to ruin my body with too much alcohol.
I don't drink alot and I don't drink to get drunk.
I enjoy myself without getting drunk and it's not really something that I particularly enjoy, I would just be doing it for the sake of it.
I do drink a little though, sometimes.
I'd didn't even know what alcohol was when I was a 15 year old girl
OMG Farrows a girl? ASL?? want to cyb3r?

Well, I've seen Fat Tony drunk, and trust me, it's ****ing funny
Well it wasnt fun for me all I ever do is puke up all over the place, I didnt even drink that much. How is that fun?? Obviously this was one of my main reasons for giving up.
I can drink, but on average, i drink the equivalent to 1 pint of beer every 4 months.
Well, I used to drink socially... but last time I did I was put off somewhat..

Havnt got drunk at all since. And don't intend to too soon either...

And just so you know what I am on about.... Neone remember the thread where I told the lovely little story about some bastards knocking me out and stamping on my head....

But I suspect I'll start drinking again soon enough... :p
I've drank before, but never been reeling drunk.

Personally I see nothing exciting about drinking. So I don't do it. I look at it like smoking, what's the point?
Going drinkin in about an hour, its fun and social. I see no problem with drinking. Plus the stupid things people do are what make it fun :D

It can also be good for Dutch Courage, sometimes its good with girls lol
Yes I drink. Whats with all these OT posts that are popping up? I mean are you guys trying to keep busy till the 16th lol.

I don't drink to excess (I prolly have a good night out about once every 2/3 weeks). I don't drink to get drunk either, I actually enjoy alcohol in moderation.

A lot of my friends are sikh / muslim so they usually end up being the designated driver when we're out which is handy :LOL: