Do you ever crouch?


Sep 13, 2003
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anyone crouch? i(like many others) have gotten in the habit of proning when i want to take an accurate shot, so i never see the use of crouching. its like, why gain just a bit of accuracy and be more open to getting shot when you can have maximum accuracy and be less of a target.

maybe going prone should take more time to make prone more valuable, and crouching more useful when you want to be accurate but don't have time to go prone. plus it would make infantry battles look more believable. i don't think in RL when a soldier sees an enemy soldier, he jumps and goes prone instantly flying through the air like a rocket, then landing on the ground to shoot. it would be more like how you react to enemies in games such as CS, crouch and shoot. while those that are prepared would go prone first.
I don't even crouch when i'm up close.

If you ask me, crouching is a very bad idea, unless you're engaging from EXTREME distances or sniping. It makes you a much easier target. I enjoy running up to people who think crouching will save them and knifing that gigantic moving rug.

But then again, i'm used to the L8, which loses almost zero accuracy while you're moving. So i'm much too used to just strafing somebody and pumping them with lead.

Oh, am I the only one who's gotten used to crouching every time they jump, and now does it in every game they have?
Crouch when I'm looking around corners, prone out in the open (streets, fields).
SixThree said:
Crouch when I'm looking around corners, prone out in the open (streets, fields).

Me, being the medic I am, i'm almost never at the front of the fight. I stay at the end and revive the wounded.

I advise all of you who think they're going to be heros and run out and fight to do the same. Get your ass back here and do your job. The Assault, Spec Ops, and AT's, and the occasional medic should be out in front, with the Support, medics, and engineers down back.
Im a medic aswell, but I'm alot more agressive than you are... I'm always on the front lines, fighting and then reviving teammates as a secondary goal.
I crouch all the time- old bf:v habit- it increases your accuracy slightly, yet you dont leave your head in front as the main target- there is still a large enough target for you to only take body hits most of the time. I love it when people go prone against me, displaying their head in all its glory for me to shoot.
Sometimes I crouch when I place C4 on a moving vehicle, unaware of me, and detonate it. I saw this on a BF2 movie and it looks cool, as if you were crouching as not to get mowed down by flying debris :thumbs:
crouch/prone if target hasnt noticed me and is a fair distance away, the odd time i might prone when directly infront of my target as it can catch them off tbh, i've found it to be quite an effective tactic...
I crouch quite a lot but only in close-range streetfights, for better accuracy if I don't have time to prone, to hide behind objects or simply keep a lower profile.
the problem with proning is that your head becomes the obvious target seems much easier to get a headshot when prone

I crouch a lot, habit from every other fps I've ever played
I do allways, when sniping on far distances, its faster than lieing down :D
When you're prone you're just begging for a headshot. Even if the person misses the headshot they have a good chance of hitting the rest of your body so I crouch sometimes.
I really don't crouch...then again, I dont prone often..unles im knifing.
john3571000 said:
you knife when you're prone????????

Well if your victim was standing, would you go prone and stab him in his foot?
AmishSlayer said:
When you're prone you're just begging for a headshot. Even if the person misses the headshot they have a good chance of hitting the rest of your body so I crouch sometimes.

well i love it when infantry crouch, because its far easier to kill them from a distance than if they are prone. setting up an aim for a prone guy takes longer than aiming at a big target that is a crouching person. more guy to hit, plus hes more visible to my teamates.