Do You Ever Want To...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Just slap someone in the face as hard as you can?

I'm not talking about punching them out. It's just one of those really stupid retarded people, and you just want to slap them in the face?

Today someone at school was talking to me about trucks and trains and stupid shit... I did not even know this person, they come up to me and talk about that? WTF DO I CARE?!


Feels good.
I do that to people all the time. It's hilarious.

Talk to random people are random shit, that is.
I hate when strangers want to talk about the hardships in their lives. I don't know you and I don't care. Proverbial slaps abound.
Could be worse. A random ass like me could come up and kick you in the crotch. 8-/
not really. I just wish for them to go away, and they do.
I want to punch my roommate in the face quite a bit.

But not because he talks about annoying stuff.

Because he steals money. From me.

I'd have broken his legs by now, were I a PROPER loan shark.
Or bumshechs him until his anal muscles rip (which can happen, interestingly :p)
Pesmerga said:
I do that to people all the time. It's hilarious.

Talk to random people are random shit, that is.

Same. Go up to some kid you don't even know:

"Man, that was so funny yesterday! Great job."

...then walk away.
I generally them tell tales about some mountain that pinches the faces of small elvish hockey players in order to achieve enough "Uberkin Power" to produce a muffin-army larger than the first of God himself!

After they ask what I am doing, I say "I see that my job is done." dust my hands off, and continue walking on my way.