Do you get funny coloured hairs?


May 28, 2003
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I'm mixed race and normally have black hair. But sometimes I'll notice a different colour that really stands out. Like I'll have one strand of gold hair. Not blonde but metalic coloured copper-gold coloured. Just today I pulled out a hair that was striped red and black. Like 255 0 0 red only a bit metalic shiny as well and it had stripes of black down it. It looked kind of like my head was running out of ink when it was growing. If I had a digital camera I would take a picture. Anyone else have this? I think it's probably a wierd expression of some European side of my dad's family cause my mom has jet black hair and my dad has brown hair.
I have like 2 white hairs on my head, but thats not that uncommon.
oh yeah I also get a single strand of hair that grows out of the top of each shoulder. If I forget about it for a few months it will grow to several inches long but I usually pull it out before that.
Yeah, I get that. My hair's normally black, but on occassion I'll get brown, red, and even blonde hairs. In fact, pictures of me when I was younger show me with pure blonde hair, even though I was born with black hair. Dark, light, gradually darkened again. Most of the time in the sunlight the red coloration will stand out. I've never had any striped hairs though; that'd be cool if all your hairs did that.

I'm of mixed race too btw. Asian and European.
Somebody shot my friend with a frozen paint ball and now he has a white patch.
When I was a younger boy up until about 5, my hairs were very, very light brown to blonde. Now, its the darkest brown possible approaching the colour black.

I rarely get miscoloured hairs, gray/white mostly, but if I do get any others, its usually blonde to remind me of when I was a youngin'.
Somebody shot my friend with a frozen paint ball and now he has a white patch.

Are you serious? That's crazy... I can imigine it'd cause trauma, but that much?

When I was a younger boy up until about 5, my hairs were very, very light brown to blonde. Now, its the darkest brown possible approaching the colour black.

I rarely get miscoloured hairs, gray/white mostly, but if I do get any others, its usually blonde to remind me of when I was a youngin'.

That's entirely common... the light hair fading to darker with age... Or you could be really blonde and then become like a very dirty blonde.

EDIT: grr... firefox 2.0 spell checker is stupid... it's showing spelling errors for blonde... and only accepts blond. Only accepts color and not colour.
That's entirely common... the light hair fading to darker with age... Or you could be really blonde and then become like a very dirty blonde.

EDIT: grr... firefox 2.0 spell checker is stupid... it's showing spelling errors for blonde... and only accepts blond. Only accepts color and not colour.
Lawl. I noticed the "blond" correction, too. I know its common, I am just saying that I went from one end of the spectrum all the way to galaxy 30112934553.
Sometimes get a silver hair..:/

Also have been known to have a small ginger patch when i don't shave for aaages
Yeah, I used to have very blonde hair but it changed to brown. I have not noticed any different color strands though.

Just tell Firefox to add the word blonde. It doesn't know everything. ;)
My hair has gone invisible recently!
My hair got so thin and such a high hairline i think it's better shaved now, that's what you get for being overloaded with testosterone, dht conversion.....
I used to have white hair when I was 2, then it went blonde and then darker blonde. Right now, its blonde at roots, then gray then browny grey. My hair looks like a very brown dirty blonde, and just brown with gell on.

Kinda freaks me out when I get a haircut and it looks grey (the hair thats on the floor).
I'd love to have one of those silver patches, at the edge of my fringe. It'd look so damn cool.

-Angry Lawyer
My hair is a light-medium brown at the roots, but goes towards black the longer it gets. Also, it's got blonde streaks at the front corners.
When I'm old... I want to have wings like Paulie Walnuts on the Sopranos... that'd look awesome. Haha.
My beard has 3 different colors in it, but I don't have any freakin' tiger stripe hairs.
I was worried that I had grey pubes, but it seems a groundless worry now.
I had one white strand in the middle front of my head, but I dont even know if I have it anymore, probably got cut off during a haircutting.
I have a dirty blonde and brown mix of hair, a blend of both my parents. You can espicially tell on my chin hairs if I don't shave. When I was born I had brown hair and it turned blonde but I have a feeling it will change back to brown someday.
I used to have pure blonde hair when I was two, and then it went jet-black to brown and it's recently went to a blonde-ish brown.

I've been told it's common, but meh :P
I had blonde hair as a kid but it turned dark brown as I became more intelligent.

I found my first grey hair the other day, and it wasnt in a big mac - It was one of mine. I'm only 24, please god nooooooooooooooooooo
No, mine are all the same color. I am going bald, however.
I have brown hair, but whenever I take a shower I find strands of grey, goldish, red, and silver hairs all over the place.
I get a single white/silver hair from my jaw line, which is pretty invisible but i always notice it against my black hair. Witchcraft!
Yeah, I used to have very blonde hair but it changed to brown. I have not noticed any different color strands though.

Likewise. I sometimes get a bit of variation with my hair colour but nothing amazing. Probably just caused by facing a certain direction more and causing the sun to hit that part more and bleach it.
I get a helluva lotta white hairs on the side of my face, all the way down to my moustache.
Mixed white and Mexican. My hair is dark dark brown/black but in my goatee and on my arms/legs there are occasional blondes.