Do you got a girlfriend=Life ?

Nov 25, 2003
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Was just wondering if any of you guys' got a girlfriend.. Cuz it hit me how many there are that barely got friends because of their computer obsession....
Yup, I've got a gf =)
A computer can NEVER beat rl friends and girlfriends...Although...*looks at HL2 box*
I have no friends, and girls hate me. Im gonna go kill myself now that I think about it.
Originally posted by The Terminator
I have no friends, and girls hate me. Im gonna go kill myself now that I think about it.

Dont worry, i like you! :cheese: lol
nope, I don't, I doubt I will during highschool and probably college. years of living with my dad and verbal abuse from other people have left my self esteem in pieces.

I'd say real life friends aren't necessarily as good as computers. Depends on your point of view. Computer provides much entertainment as well as a facility to hang out with virtual folks, which leaves me with good chances of finding SOMEONE cool out there. I generally make friends quite fast online seeing as how I am (almost too) friendly. but of course lack of human contact will leave me alone and dead in a cold wet basement somewhere and no one will care. I need a hug.
I have friends, but not a gf.

I hate my voice and hate the way I look which probably causes my lack of it may sound stupid, but its true, it really does ruin my life being like this. I wish I could stop thinking like that.

/me cries ;(
I need a girl, who's lastname isn't .jpg
Originally posted by simmo
I have friends, but not a gf.

I hate my voice and hate the way I look which probably causes my lack of it may sound stupid, but its true, it really does ruin my life being like this. I wish I could stop thinking like that.

/me cries ;(

we should start a club =|

and frank, that cracked me up :)
Yep. I don't have a girlfriend at the moment...but all the ladies on irc love me. Yes.
no need to kill yourself ;) i just had some luck or so.

when i was small the children in my neighborhood didn't like me, my self esteem also is somewhere near zero, when i am supposed to talk to chicks or so. fortunatelly today no one likes to touch me, since i'm kinda tall :D and some ppl think i'm somewhat mad or loony like. ppl respect me and i have real friends ;).

but many years of computer obsession spoiled me for any other job but one which has to do with computer science, e.g. sys admin or game developer.
no girlfriend, i'm single (and loving it i might add). after a while a woman becomes a real fookin pain in the behind, you'll want to get rid of here asap, just remember that when you're about to get i want this bitch moaning at me all day everyday for the rest of my life? i have plenty of 'friends' if you could call them that. only got one or two REAL friends but plenty of aquaintances etc.

you've still got the rest of your lives to make friends remember. and to be honest, i don't trust anyone, so i try not to get close to people and become friendly with them even if they want to with me. we've all got years of work and family get togethers and meetings and shopping and going out to parties etc, you're bound to meet a few people who you can truly value as friends. personally i just enjoy my own company, i find being around other people a real pain because generally most of the people i know are really damn thick, i'm sure you all know the type. so spending time on your own is not a bad thing. i accomplish a lot on my own and i treasure every moment i get when the whole house is empty and i've got a whole day to use my brain to the maximum. don't worry if you're a loner, chances are that's the best way.
I live my girlfriend, and all my friends live within a few streets of me.

Uni life rocks!
I disagree utterly. Maybe it's just the people I know...and there's also that lttle thing called 'bodily impulses'. Did you know that when you're getting butterflies in your stomch from meating someone you like or about to do something big...the blood is draining from you stomach so it can be used...elsewhere. ;-)
I am loser that got really f*kin lucky... and now I feel even luckier. I am a comp. geek, I program, and design. I got an internship, that only a geek like me could have kept as long as I have, and still get paid.

Somehow... I managed to get a hot girlfriend... one that other guys want, makes me feel super special... woot... !!

Go me! super geek!
I like to think I have friends, I have quite a few close friends, and plenty of people I chat to when I run into them etc (ex girlfriends and casual people I've never really been out with) and I'm single at the moment, but I have my eye on several people :) ... some of my close mates are female, which is nice, since I get different perspectives from my different groups of mates: I like being able to hang with the 'cooler' people, as well as anyone who is cool to me :)
I use to be a hermit, then I started going out and doing crap alot, now I have become a hermit again. I just don't feel like doing anything.
Originally posted by chu
I use to be a hermit, then I started going out and doing crap alot, now I have become a hermit again. I just don't feel like doing anything.
Yea i feel like that sometimes too, been depressed lately for some friend, that i havent seen in like 6 months, invited me to go see a movie with him and some others this weekend and i just straight up lied and said "nah already got plans". I feel bad but eh whatever.
computer games are just something to relive boredom. Now comptuer games With friends is something special!

you calling us all dorks??? cos if you are i would proberly agree with you.

I had an almost-girlfriend experience a few weeks ago. I failed, yes. And I'm not one of those people who like to fail. I get angry and upset. :flame:

But now actually I feel much better. If there's anything I learned from this is that:

a) Don't try to convince her to love you.
b) Girls are smarter in different ways. You spent a week thinking of an elaborate plan of attack, it will take her 2 seconds on the phone to strike it down and make you feel stupid.
c) Don't try to get a girlfriend just "to get a girlfriend". Neither be too proud of being single cause you could miss out on something.

Wow .. another happy self-help post from me. Enjoy it friendlies :) :) :) :) :) :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
I like to think I have friends, I have quite a few close friends, and plenty of people I chat to when I run into them etc (ex girlfriends and casual people I've never really been out with) and I'm single at the moment, but I have my eye on several people :) ... some of my close mates are female, which is nice, since I get different perspectives from my different groups of mates: I like being able to hang with the 'cooler' people, as well as anyone who is cool to me :)

Lets all just go kill ourselves niw, since we can never live up to Badgers life...


How does not having a girlfriend equate not having a life?

Anyway, i dont have a girlfriend...i suppose i would like one, but i only want one who i will eventually marry.
Originally posted by |SwE|FishStick
Was just wondering if any of you guys' got a girlfriend.. Cuz it hit me how many there are that barely got friends because of their computer obsession....

I have a girlfriend, yes.
although the opening post doesn't make mention of this, i must take umbrage with the premise of this thread's title. having a gf does not equate to having a life. i don't know about the rest of you guys, but i've had a few, and with the last one i would say i had much less of a life in my last 'relationship' than i do now that i'm single. platonic friends (male or female) are much more important than girlfriends, at my age anyway. that said, it's a highly individual thing, i have friends that equate their self-worth to how many friends they have and/or if they've a 'significant other'. on the flip side, i know people who are rather introspective and often happier alone, doing their own thing. i can see virtue in both modes personally. i think the idea that having a woman is akin to completeness is a bit naive.
i'm only 16, if i got a girlfriend it wouldn't last.

Thats right, any of you with gf's, i'lll bet you £5 it wont last, HAHAHA.

its always nice to think that i'll get married someday though :bounce:
i got a gf, w00t! Infact, in one week, we'll have been together for 7 months. Those of u with gfs, how long have u been together?
Yes timmy i agree to the fullest. When people usually say one doesnt have a "life" I often ask them "whos life should i model mine after?" "whats a "life"?" its pretty naive to think you dont have a life cause of not hangin out with your friends or whatever..much like what Alan Watts once said:
"But my dear man, life is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know."
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
i got a gf, w00t! Infact, in one week, we'll have been together for 7 months. Those of u with gfs, how long have u been together?
Only 4 months, known her for about 3 years though.
Sadly, I do not have a girlfriend, I think my years of watching anime and playing hgames have set my expectations too high for girls, heh.

I do have a lot of attractive girls who only wish to be friends and stay friends, I've asked, I've got shut down but thats life I guess.
Originally posted by nw909
Sadly, I do not have a girlfriend, I think my years of watching anime and playing hgames have set my expectations too high for girls, heh.

I do have a lot of attractive girls who only wish to be friends and stay friends, I've asked, I've got shut down but thats life I guess.

girls r seriously stupid sometimes. I know how it feels. My gf is actually my first. Before that i got shot down lots lol. I dunno, keep trying, and dont worry about it, i think i fluked out. I found someone who is loyal and understanding, never puts me down, and as a bonus is incredibly attractive :naughty: It also bothers me how some girls can just lead guys on for such a long time then totally reverse everything. Ah well.
Hehe, Combine used my post in his signature. I feel so honored!! :bounce:
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
It also bothers me how some girls can just lead guys on for such a long time then totally reverse everything. Ah well.

Yep it happened to me. Why the f*ck do they do it?

But she messed with the wrong guy. I can forget, but I never forgive.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yep it happened to me. Why the f*ck do they do it?

But she messed with the wrong guy. I can forget, but I never forgive.

yup, i got led on by some chick for a long time. So i asked her out and got shot down. Considering she always told me "you've got such a nice ass" and all these compliments and then shuts me down "lets just do stuff as friends" ugh what r they thinkin
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
yup, i got led on by some chick for a long time. So i asked her out and got shot down. Considering she always told me "you've got such a nice ass" and all these compliments and then shuts me down "lets just do stuff as friends" ugh what r they thinkin

You think thats bad ... one time we were talking on the phone normally and then she says out of nowhere "so when do you wanna do it in the car?" I was like "OMG WTF .. WTF DID YOU SAY??!!" Well I didn't say that to her of course .. I said something like "Maybe this weekend". But of course she was too busy ...

Well it just went downhill from there ... and now it's completely over (hopefully)
Originally posted by Frank
Hehe, Combine used my post in his signature. I feel so honored!! :bounce:

Combine = nw909

Me stupid
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
although the opening post doesn't make mention of this, i must take umbrage with the premise of this thread's title. having a gf does not equate to having a life. i don't know about the rest of you guys, but i've had a few, and with the last one i would say i had much less of a life in my last 'relationship' than i do now that i'm single. platonic friends (male or female) are much more important than girlfriends, at my age anyway. that said, it's a highly individual thing, i have friends that equate their self-worth to how many friends they have and/or if they've a 'significant other'. on the flip side, i know people who are rather introspective and often happier alone, doing their own thing. i can see virtue in both modes personally. i think the idea that having a woman is akin to completeness is a bit naive.

You da man timmy! You make sence

And ontopic, Im 19, I dont have a girlfriend, and Im not looking for one.