Do you guys think this game will be any good?

I don't expect it to be a topgame and like you said, the story seems ok but the graphics look a bit outdated.
Heh, I think one can say: been there, done that, next please :)

But since it says Xbox and PS2, I can understand it.
just look at the site, and my first impression was, wow that looks liek a falure
Ya i dont know. I saw the trailer and it didnt look that bad. but then i remember how many games are coming out which are 100x better.
Looks like it might be fun to me.. and the gfx arn't that bad,. c'mon, its not like every game can look like HL2/Doom3/Farcry.. the textures look pretty high res (like the cobble stones on the wall).. and you're fighting with friends, so hey, if done right, this could be an experience.

I'll definitly give it a chance

STALKER and FEAR are definitly more promising, but theres still room for more.
Oh man everytime someone talks about the game F.E.A.R i cant stop thinking about how kickass it would be.
eh, it's based on the deus ex games, but doensn;t look nearly as good as either, could be good if the storyline is decent, but i'm not expecting much from it from the videos and screens i've seen
they also seemed very reluctant to show anything foir a long period of time, which worries me
What are the machine guns firing? Looks like paintball :sniper:
Otherwise it looks like real fun.
the bullets and muzzle flash looks baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. it looks like the guns are firing confetti or some shit like that