Do you have RealPlayer installed?

Do you have RealPlayer installed?

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Sep 18, 2003
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Realplayer used to be a big thing, but I think it's well past its use-by date. I've not had it installed in years. The BBC continues to host all its video as realplayer streams, and are unwilling to change to modern flash-based players. I want to see if this is such a big issue for them, as in my opinion, hardly anyone still uses realplayer.

So, tell me ... Do you have it installed?
BBC now broadcasts in both Real and Windows Media formats. So real player had its days. I still have real player installed because for the old days and I love Rhapsody. so Al say YES!
WHY can't a select "no" AND "i like cheese"????

on topic, I would've liked rhapsody so much more if it wasn't from realplayer or realnetworks or realmedia or whatever the hell the actual company is called.
I don't install products from Real. ;)
I dislike it heavily, but I have it installed as it can play the 3gp format videos from mobile phones - which few other players have the capability of doing.
I hate it too, but I have an alternative version which isn't so bad installed to view videos from my phone.
I just like cheese, tbh.

Also, I think I have it installed.
Personally i dont like realplayer. its just a waste of space and other programs can do the same thing even better.
RealPlayer is like.... bad.... n..... stuff.... thats...uhh.. bad
If you dislike realplayer, but want to play the files, do a google search for Real Alternative 1.51. I don't think its supported anymore, but it works with everything I've tryed so far.
I probably do, since I more than likely needed it to watch some video sometime. But I have Media Player Classic...It plays real if I'm not mistaken.