Do you like food?

Do you like Food?

  • I like food. :)

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • No, I am incompetent.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I enjoy sitting down to a spot of tea, old chap!

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • In Soviet Russia, food eats you!

    Votes: 13 31.7%

  • Total voters
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I see you're already enjoying the freedoms of not being a moderator.
i like that last option.. it fits in well eh?

imagine if u were <insert food name here that u love eating>, how would u feel being eatin eh?>

teh pie shall rise above and seek revenge! :devil: :devil:
If a cow ever got the chance, it would eat you, your family, and everyone you ever cared about.
I just found out today the anti-depressants I've been on for 2 years give your appetite quite a boost, thought I was putting on a bit.

So, yes and no. Radio boxes are silly.
I enjoy food quite alot actually. And I loooove tea. Usually.

And I don't know anything about russia. But that was pretty funny.
f00d? I love f00d... eat it almost everyday.
favorite f00d = teh sp1cy f00d. More hot than u can take it... cuz im l33t at eating teh sp1cy f00d ;)
Man I am a bodybuilder and without food I will........ :(
Food is good because it's necessary to us so our brain makes it good so we eat it.
For example: rotten food stinks, shit stinks, but sugar (high in calories needed to move) is sweet. The higher energy contained (calories) the better the food.

This is scientifically proven.
I like red meat and red wine. Thats why I'm pink*

*Causality may be reversed
red meat (most meats tbh) and dark, heavy beer.

see? this is the kinda edgy stuff GtotheV could never have gotten away with as a mod!
MrMethane said:
I like red meat and red wine. Thats why I'm pink*

*Causality may be reversed
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIm coming up, so u better get that party started!

Whats with the lame polls recently? Oh yeah... Im not a saint myself ;o)

Food absolutely rox! Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
Pie to teh ppl!
care for a spot of tea old boy? jolly good, oh edna, put the kettle on would you love? oh capital, you brought some scones! oh i am encouragable aren't i? AREN'T I?!??!
famas_man said:
f00d? I love f00d... eat it almost everyday.
favorite f00d = teh sp1cy f00d. More hot than u can take it... cuz im l33t at eating teh sp1cy f00d ;)

oh yah!
i challenge u to a sp1cy f00d contest!!!! :cheese:

heheh out of curiousity, what do u call "spicey" ?? cause i used to eat a hell of a lot of really spicey food.. i have tamed down a bit since but i can still take on challengers :dork:

teh pie is coming and it will have sweet revenge on all of u!!! :devil: :devil:
I live on salads and fruits ;(

AND HUMAN BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dedalus said:
...oh i am encouragable aren't i? AREN'T I?!??!

Well, wouldn't want to encourage you, personally, but I would say that you were kind of incorrigible...
Dr. Freeman said:
oh yah!
i challenge u to a sp1cy f00d contest!!!! :cheese:

heheh out of curiousity, what do u call "spicey" ?? cause i used to eat a hell of a lot of really spicey food.. i have tamed down a bit since but i can still take on challengers :dork:

teh pie is coming and it will have sweet revenge on all of u!!! :devil: :devil:

Bring it!!! ;)

spicey food hmm. I consider spicy food anything I load with peppers.
I like teh h4b3n4r0 p3pp3r.

but I hate green peppers or non spicey peppers :x
After being a moderator, I'm surprised you forgot that threads like these aren't going to survive long here, Ghost. Closed.
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