Do you like your parents?

Do You Like your Parents

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 85.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Who's asking?

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters


Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey so, how many of you dislike your parents. I think mine are pretty good. I like the way I turned out, and they are much better than some of my friend's parents.

So opinions
You mean like, in a sexual way? :naughty:
what if you like one parent and not the other?
Of course. Can't say they are perfect but I sure as hell owe them alot for putting up with me and all the love they have given and still give.
I didn't like em much between 13-16, but hey we all go through that stage . I'm almost 19 now and I think they're cool :).
I wouldn't say I resent my parents but I certainly wouldn't say I adore them unconditionally either. I respect the fact that they raised me (albeit not quite in the way I'd of expected, but who is) and I try and keep in touch.

Can't say the same for other members of my family... I sometimes wonder if genetic screening has occured at some point to gather all the reject chromosomes into one individual :flame:
wow, i am genuinely surprised at these results. at least the first 7 all said yes. :)
:dozey: I usually like them equally, but it looks like my Mom is tipping the balance in her favor.
Yeah my parent's are cool. I like them both, although I don't really respect my mom all that much. She's very traditional and conservative in her views. My dad is probably the one person in my life I could discuss absolutely anything at all with
i respect my parents, they always treated me like an adult, and they are cool :D
I love my parents because I suppose they, in their own way, love me as well. They've taken care of me, and whatever they may have done to or for me they did with good intentions at heart. For that much I feel I owe them.
I love my parents.

My dad can beat up your dad, by the way.
I love and greatly respect my mom but I am deeply disappointed with my dad.
Love my parents but hey, as for the parent in laws.............
best not to go there,
Uh I love my parents because they are the reason I am here right now (not only alive but on this computer they worked hard to pay for)
Dad=control problems
But they can both be alright sometimes, when they are trying to win legal custody of me.
I voted no because I'm annoyed with both of them right now.
But I'll come around eventually.
My parents rule, but Dad can be a dick sometimes. Which is okay cause I take after him in a big way :D
My dad can lecture on psychiatric health and generic psychoanalysis...

...before giving up and moving to foreign climes.

Logically, my dad can /kick your dad!
Edcrab said:
My dad can lecture on psychiatric health and generic psychoanalysis...

...before giving up and moving to foreign climes.

Logically, my dad can /kick your dad!

My dad is a M.D. and a lincensed Psychoanalyst / Phyciatrist and probably tought your weak minded daddy everything he knows.

My Dad > Your Dad when it comes to Shrinkage
Sometimes they REALLY PISS ME OFF
but all parents are like that
RakuraiTenjin said:
My dad is a former bodybuilder. :dozey:

My dads scotish and build like a brick shithouse.

Bodybuilders are all looks... XD
My dad has the body and hair of George Constanza, but a face like Robin Williams.

My parents are cool, some of my best friends.
Well...would ya look at what I've started! Kneel before professor ch-ch-ch-chaos!
Wow, I envy some of you guys. i wish I knew what it was like to think of mine so highly. I respect them in general I guess, they sent me through school and got me a car and all that, but mentally and emotionally I'm a wreck because of them. I hate how I've turned out, a result of all kinds of crap being hammered into my head througout the years, and their stubborness. They will never admit they're wrong, never, ever, even when it's clear they are. I don't think they'd admit they were wrong even if it meant the death of me....
I love both of my parents. My dad and mom got a divorce at an early age, after my mom went to live in a form of mental institution after my dad called the police when she tried to smother me and my brother with a pillow when we were small small children, so ever since we have lived with our dad.

However, I don't hold any ill will towards my mother. She always appologizes to us for what she did back then. She has had a long hard life with a history of mental illness, and I feel sorry for her and cherish her. I mean, even if she isn't the perfect mother, she's still my mom right?

My dad thought that part of the reason she was affected so badly back then, was because the people we shared our home with, gave her cocaine laced cigarettes that she had no knowledge of(the cocaine part). I'm sure it would have helped worsen her mental condition, and perhaps make her sick as well because of the fact that its an addictive substance that she didn't know about, so could never adequately alleviate the addiction(withdrawal or partial withdrawal is rough for any addiction)

Oh well. That's enough personal information for one day!
Yes I do like them but they tend to be too helpful and/or patronising which is annoying but meh :P im reasonable about it