Do you play the Half-Life 2 Beta?

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Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
im sorry, beg mercy

k im sorry, i didnt read the rules, now i can only beg for mercy
Yeah, there's lot of goodies in there. I play it occasionally.
Mr-Fusion said:
Yeah, there's lot of goodies in there. I play it occasionally.

so then its illegal to take screenshots and post them?
Just remove the link to the screenshot then you'll be ok....maybe.
Yes, if you had read the forum rules, you'd have seen that you're not supposed to post spoilers or any other material from the beta...
Brian Damage said:
Yes, if you had read the forum rules, you'd have seen that you're not supposed to post spoilers or any other material from the beta...

Thank you! Someone sensible at last! ;)
In fact just turn your first post into

"Do you play the HL2 beta?"

The mods shall not take our new friend! He means so much to me.
k guys, sorry, i m new here, and what is a headcrab?
Cutey_Kaite said:
..notice how hes a headcrab

silly headcrabs :D

Don't take pity, if he can't comply to the rules, he certainly shouldn't be here...
Well, he's deleted the link...

How about we turn this into a "Has playing the beta ruined HL2 for you?" thread?
How about "Has the HL2 beta adversely affected your performance in bed?"
Maybe your forgiven, :dozey: but please don't discuss spoilers or anything to do with the HL2 leaked build...
Brian Damage said:
How about we turn this into a "Has playing the beta ruined HL2 for you?" thread?

well i cant really play it, cuz i only have a 4200, but man, im not getting banned am i? i mean only 2 people saw the pic..
GSW said:
Maybe your forgiven, :dozey: but please don't discuss spoilers or anything to do with the HL2 leaked build...

your honor, sir
Mr-Fusion said:
Have you got one of those things from Men in Black?

the memory eraser? no i dont have one, but can i get one on eBay?

oh and i can t edit my first post.....
Listen, if you're truly sorry, I doubt they'll ban you. You've done your best to rectify it.
Brian Damage said:
Listen, if you're truly sorry, I doubt they'll ban you. You've done your best to rectify it.

so they can tell if i erased the link right?
Dear Mods,

Please dont ban me. "Do to one as if you would want them to do to you".

Your Honor,

GSW - pull your head in. He made a mistake. How many ppl read the rules... its like reading the manual... most ppl would rather jump straight in.

Everyone around here is so upity about the beta. Shit happens, sure it sucks that it happened to Valve, but im sure its only gonna make the end product better.

I played the beta, not for long, but im glad I did. It lowered my expectations for hl2, therefore increasing the likelihood of me being blown away when the game comes out. Before that, I had this whole frame of mind that hl2 was gonna be the be all and end all of games, potentially setting myself up for disappointment when it perhaps wasnt up to the level I built in my mind.
How many of u have read the rules of a forum before Joining? Not me......Im a member to over 10 forums and never read their rules.
Avenger said:
GSW - pull your head in. He made a mistake. How many ppl read the rules... its like reading the manual... most ppl would rather jump straight in.

Everyone around here is so upity about the beta. Shit happens, sure it sucks that it happened to Valve, but im sure its only gonna make the end product better.

I played the beta, not for long, but im glad I did. It lowered my expectations for hl2, therefore increasing the likelihood of me being blown away when the game comes out. Before that, I had this whole frame of mind that hl2 was gonna be the be all and end all of games, potentially setting myself up for disappointment when it perhaps wasnt up to the level I built in my mind.

well put avenger, i agree. So he made a mistake. He apologized for it and corrected it, no harm done. Just let is go GSW. This thread did no harm to u except increase yur post count.
I CBA to download and install it. I'd rather play the game as it's meant to be played.
I played it at a friends house, diddn't wanna download it myself... It's an ok demo, but not worth the download tba. And I only saw one of the e3 levels.
Avenger said:
Everyone around here is so upity about the beta. Shit happens, sure it sucks that it happened to Valve, but im sure its only gonna make the end product better.

I played the beta, not for long, but im glad I did. It lowered my expectations for hl2, therefore increasing the likelihood of me being blown away when the game comes out. Before that, I had this whole frame of mind that hl2 was gonna be the be all and end all of games, potentially setting myself up for disappointment when it perhaps wasnt up to the level I built in my mind.

same here.
let me get this
ELIXIR has posted a screenshots of the ilegal russian copy beta and thats cannot be posted here?
or is ilegal?
even hav it?
He posted a pic that he had taken from the stolen build. He deleted the link once he had been told that it was against the rules.
Really though, most so called "experienced" users are worse than the headcrabs, so don't be hypocrits.
Well I wont ban the guy but I will lock this thread which appears to have turned into well, yeah

Sorry. *locked*
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