Do you suffer from exploding head syndrome?


May 5, 2004
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no I'm not talking about visiting the politics forum:

Exploding head syndrome is a condition first reported by a British physician in 1988[1] that causes the sufferer to occasionally experience a tremendously loud noise as if from within his or her own head, usually described as an explosion, roar or a ringing noise. This usually occurs within an hour or two of falling asleep, but is not the result of a dream and can happen during the day as well. Although perceived as tremendously loud, the noise is usually not accompanied by pain.


Note that exploding head syndrome is not an example of spontaneous human combustion, nor does it involve the head actually exploding


internets alerted
That fails. They should call it 'Very loud noise' syndrome
what if you was playing "how many gunpowder you can put in your nose" and them you forgot to remove it,and you light up a cigar?
That picture was the first thing I thought of when I read the thread title.

well, i woke up in the middle of the night once because i thought i heard an seemed to real to be a dream, but apparently nothing happened.
That's interesting.

BTW- check out the post count. Ooh, evil :O
the 0 ruins it.

by the way, I've always wondered... is that gif real or fake?
Do you really think someone would catch a video of SOMEONES HEAD EXPLODING?
F*ck.... :)

On a side note, look at the dudes glasses when they fly off.. Part of his head breaks them in half! lol!
That goes without saying :upstare:

Haha exploding head syndrome :P Ma' brother just found out that he has a brain tumour centered behind his eye. It happened about a week ago, and over a four day period he told of an increasing amount of pain and nausia. He goes in for more tests in two days time. Anyway... to quote Arnie: "IT'S A TUMOR!"
No, it's not a tumor, "IT'S A TOOMA!"

Wait.. Doesn't he say "It's not a tooma?"
I thought this was going to be a Theme Hospital thread... :|
I've got it. Sometimes I can hear just the "Whiiiiiiiiiiinnneeeee..." like a tuning fork, continueously, in my ear. Just me. It's damn annoying.
Mars Attacks? Don't remember that part....
It's from the film 'Scanners'.
Jintor said:
I've got it. Sometimes I can hear just the "Whiiiiiiiiiiinnneeeee..." like a tuning fork, continueously, in my ear. Just me. It's damn annoying.
That sounds like tinnitus, which is not quite the same thing. It tends to be a sign of slightly damaged hearing. I can hear ringing in my ears myself when I'm lying in bed at night.
i could swear i saw this thread before...even with the same head exploding pic.

on topic: yea i do, not lately tho..
It's a melon! D:<
Didn't some senator also blow his brains out with a revolver in the omen III?
See? Friggin' internets and its possibilities. SHIT YEAH.

Does it completely asplode or just blow a hole through it?

just some splatter. The aftermath pictures are gorier, with his sinuses leaked out of his mouth and onto his chest.