do you use a custom skin for your steam?


Sep 15, 2013
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i just started looking into steam skins. didn't know before that i could set custom ones. pretty cool feature that i haven't heard about. but i've been testing out different ones, right now i'm using an inverted steam skin, which is pretty nice. probably going to use the original (the army looking one) steam theme, just for nostalgia reasons after i get bored of this one. :P
I used to use a windows 8 styled skin which was pretty good. I reloaded my os since though and I don't really care enough to refind it.
i haven't even used windows 8, i wonder what a steam skin based on windows 7 would look like. O_O maybe you're referring to this one?

i just changed my theme to air. :D it's pretty nice so far. pretty happy with the change.
Wow, I never knew this was possible. I always like customizing stuff :D
yeah metro's a nice skin. but that color scheme and steam skin does bring back some nostalgia. :d i remember using that steam skin for years before the grey theme came out.
I don't use a custom skin. Steam runs as an icon in the tray, which is right clicked to select a game, so I don't really use the user interface much (sometimes I'll open it when something is downloading, to see what's going on, for example).