Do you visit the General Half-Life 2 forums ?

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Do any of you guys visit the General Half-Life 2 forums ? I havn't visited them in a good while, it seems full of unwanted and stupid threads, in fact, if you go there it's hell :devil:
I mainly [only] visit the Off-Topic, General Games and Hardware forums. Whenver I check General HL2 it's all repetive rubbish :<
I pretty much never leave general off-topic...
Occasionally ill read politics or the newb forum
no, in fact, I dont. I spend all my time in general gaming really I just check in OT to see who posted the last suicide/ihavecancer/checkoutthisebayorflash thread
it seems full of unwanted and stupid threads

and, of course, Off-Topic is the very epitome of intellectual conversation.
Only in the beginning when HL-2 was in development and not released, had I visted it. I always hang out in the lounge forums now.
I only stick around in the longue forums, unless I wanna go flame some newbs :naughty:
i visit most of the sections where when i load up the site just so im not missing anything.
No, well believe it or not im not interested in hl2 much anymore and what is there to discuss?
I sit around in the lounge now :) I'm sure il head over into there when new hl2 content is released though
I never go to the General HL2 forums unless I am really bored. I go everywhere else really.
With the exception of perhaps one post every two weeks, all of my activity on these forums is contained to The Lounge.
I still think there's loads of room for discussion about HL2, so I go to most of the HL2-specific forums.. I find it cool when people come up with new theories that deepen the story and make it more cohesive to me. [NAIVE]Maybe someone from Valve will catch some cool story ideas from those kind of threads, and use the insight while making HL3[/NAIVE] Unfortunately, recently they've just been filled with posts like "ogfm h0e ken Gordok carrie 1o hunjren guns lololololol", but I don't really find the Off-Topic section much more interesting either...
I sometimes have a look round them, but I mainly stay in the lounge
Lounge. I went there in the begginning, not anymore.
Lounge really, I visit the General HL2 bit very rarely, only if a thread title catches my attention in the index.
I mainly visit the HL forums.

It's being taken over by children.
I mostly visit the lounge. I post in HL2 section, but not so often.
I barely visit the General HL2 anymore. My browsing consists of General Off-Topic Chat, General Games Chat, Films-TV-DVD and Music & Musicians.

I visit others like Site Feedback sometimes if the preview thread looks interesting.
ríomhaire said:
I mainly visit the HL forums.


Agreed, that has got very tiresome very quickly. Maybe people think they are being amusing when they start that kind of thread.

We are not amused.
I basically only visit the Lounge. The only reason I ended up here, is coz I saw this thread on the starting page.
I post mainly in the lounge.
I came here with a HL2 problem but now find the views and opinions down in the lounge eye opening.
modding forums and lounge. but im another compulsive new posts clicker, unless i feel like discussing something in particular.
yeah I mainly post in the lounge, some times in the c-s:s but thats never too busy
Oh shit, I posted ALL OVER THE FLOOR! Now I have to clean it up. God, that's so disgusting.

Um... I post where I post, but thats usually away from HL2 discussion and more toward the dev-forums and lounge and junk.
i want 2 learn how 2 model, but i suck at it, so i go anywhere