Do you want ZoE3?

Haha, pretty much a ctrl v from the thread on /v/.

Never, ever played a Zone of Enders game, though my rental store has one for sale for like $10.
Yes I goddamn do. Xbox360/PC/PS3 simultaneous release please. With co-op and versus online play cross console and PC. Oh my god how sick would that be? With persistent stats and upgrades CoD4 style.
Haha, pretty much a ctrl v from the thread on /v/.
Except hopefully this thread won't dissolve into a discussion about MGS.

Never, ever played a Zone of Enders game, though my rental store has one for sale for like $10.
Which one? ZoE or 2nd Runner? You should buy it either way, but 2nd Runner is the more awesome of the two.

BHC said:
Yes I goddamn do. Xbox360/PC/PS3 simultaneous release please. With co-op and versus online play cross console and PC. Oh my god how sick would that be? With persistent stats and upgrades CoD4 style.
You dream of a far better world than the one we live in.
****ing hell yes, zone on the enders was ace.
I would, IF they used the same style from ZoE2, with anime-style cutscenes, I really liked it.

I also liked the more 'cartoonish' feel to the 3D in ZoE2.

I also will not be happy if ZoE3 becomes a PS3 exclusive, which I'm guessing it will.
The great thing is that graphics of this gen would allow the game itself to look like an anime. I know they were pushing for that in 2nd Runner, but they can take it to a whole new level now.

Unless, y'know, it becomes a PSP game instead of a PS3 game.
Just bought and played ZoE 2 for about an hour. They also had the first, but I just picked this up. Some of the stuff in the story is kind of hard to comprehend right away, but I'm really enjoying it.
ZoE is one of those rare games that is so fluidly animated it plays like a mecha television show. It's really something you have to experience. I miss the combat just thinking about it.

It's funny because I essentially bought the first game just for the MGS2 demo and ended up loving the hell out of it.